Continuing On Love, Make Your Couple Proud

Keeping the love in a relationship is sometimes not as easy as people imagine. You need a proper effort to do so.
Is like planting a crop, love also needs a lot of care to be always awake. Especially in long-term relationships. Sometimes, love seemed to be something memorable.
In order to not get stuck in this situation, you need to make more effort. Here are some of them, bleak cited Your Tango.

Make him proud
Men love when he can make you happy. A little smile from you is a reflection that all his efforts succeeded.
In addition, you also need to know when to step back and let a moment. When faced with a complicated issue, criticizing is a thing that is less effective. However, when expressing feelings without blame, it indicates you do not like him cornered.
All you need to do is show her how much it meant as a partner. In addition, keep him honest. He certainly will increasingly seek success in relationships.
Make her feel safe
You also need to make it feel a deep emotional bond, to summon a sense of security in the relationship. Try to better appreciate it, so the relationship will be stronger.

Lessons Learned Men Before Marriage

UNDERGOING domestic life is not easy. Often, small things can also trigger a more intense fights.

For example, the habit of a man who is difficult to change. To that end, it could not hurt to teach a few things before you actually go through life marriage. Here's a tip interesting, as quoted Boldsky.

Let him pay the bills

After marriage, the husband of course, will be responsible for the financial problems the family. So, it could not hurt to let him pay your bills.

family gathering

Of course already accustomed to come hang out with your family. Start with the simple things, such as inviting dinner once a week.

friends shopping

Generally men like lazy to shop. So before marriage, it could not hurt to invite couples shop that he understands what is normally needed by you or a family someday.

Accompany to doctor

When health checks, it is better to invite as well as couples. Moreover, after marriage, he will also do more of it. So this will be a learning activity to accompany his wife or later.


The most frequent problem is women do not accept the messy habits and any man who put his stuff. Therefore, it is better to practice maintaining tidiness and cleanliness. For example, ask him to tidy his room or in the

When this result Declining Testosterone

Hormone testosterone is commonly found in men. But in fact, this hormone is also needed on women as one of sexual hormones.

In women, testosterone serves as one of the hormones that increase sexual desire, as well as the hormone responsible for bone growth. In addition, testosterone in women can reduce vasomotor symptoms, vaginal dryness and atrophy, as reported by e How.

Testosterone deficiency in women can cause decreased sexual desire, lack of fantasy, the loss of sensitivity to stimulation, and orgasm difficulties.

There are several factors that cause a decrease in testosterone in women, such as menopause, hysterectomy or childbirth even sometimes the cause is unknown.

Many doctors treat low testosterone using shots or pills. The side effects can indeed make a sound in, enlarged clitoris, and hair growth on the face and body. Appropriate treatment is necessary so that side effects can be reduced.

Great Ways to Stop bickering couples

ARE you getting bored because of a fight that never ended? Perhaps this is the case, because you both do not want to hear each other.

In any relationship, the problem is a very reasonable thing present in it. What distinguishes, is how one deals with such problems. When you and your partner are big fight for one simple reason, then there needs to be repaired.

Here are three steps to stop squabbling Hebar, as reported by Women Health Mag.

Use the ears, not the mouth

If you are starting to sound bleak tape continues to spin, try to push the 'pause'. "Research shows that couples are not happy, are equally likely to be heard. They end up just talking in the absence of a dialogue," said Benjamin Karney, PhD. vice chairman of the Relationship Institute at the University of California, in Los Angeles.

Do not be private

A heated argument, sometimes common sense was forgotten. This time, harsh words came out, and makes the heart sick. According to a research, the human brain has a "negativity bias," which makes people more responsive to bad news. Therefore, try to minimize the negative effects of what you say. Remember, if the purpose of the discussion is to solve problems, not to hurt one another.

Mutual cease to be selfish

"People sometimes insist on looking for who is right, but this would keep him away from the exit," Karney said. Problems will be quickly completed, if no one has felt the need to say that he was right or wrong.

Facts and Figures About Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth be a technology that is very common at this time. With the Bluetooth connection between the electronic device with other devices becomes more simple. Along with the development, too many different devices equipped with Bluetooth. Of mobile phones, computers, or headsets.

Although often use Bluetooth, do you know the origin of the naming of Bluetooth? In addition, there are other facts about Bluetooth that is rarely known by the layman. The following are the facts.

1. Bluetooth naming was taken from one of the Danish king named King Harald Blatand. In the pronunciation of English, the name is read King Harold Bluetooth. The king ruled in the period 958 to 986. Harrald King was known as someone who could unite the region Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

2. Bluetooth technology is first implemented by Ericsson in 1994. The Sweden-based company that conducted the study to determine the benefits of using Bluetooth technology. Furthermore, together with Intel, IBM, Toshiba and Nokia, Ericsson collect Special Interest Group (SIG) in 1998 and subsequently issued the Bluetooth specification was first in the world in 1999.

3. Bluetooth is a radio signal. As radio signals, Bluetooth apparently not suitable for means of communicating. This was revealed after Andretti Racing Team to use it. And, because it contains a microwave radio waves, the use of Bluetooth is said to cause health problems.

4. Bluetooth has a fairly wide range. A Bluetooth device, still able to work in a range of 10 meters. Even in the latest developments, Bluetooth able to work within a distance of 100 meters.

5. Currently, 95 percent of mobile phones sold have Bluetooth connectivity. The amount is much improved compared to 2008 where there are only 5 per cent on the market.

LeapPad Explorer Tablets for Kids New From LeapFrog Hops

At first glance there is no difference with most tablet devices that exist today, but who would have thought the presence of a single tablet is apparently carrying a very noble mission that is rarely found today.

The LeapPad Explorer tablet is manufactured by LeapFrog Hops. This tablet is designed for educational success for children.

With a diagonal length of 5 inches, the tablet has a touch screen and a 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 480 x 272 pixels. And because it is only for the children, reportedly the tablet is only supported by the presence of only 400MHz processor.

Than as a means of education, this tablet can also be used as an entertainment device, thanks to the accelerometer, built-in camera, microphone and even a stylus (for drawing and such). Coupled with a stocky shape and slightly rounded and alluring color combination is certainly very suitable when used by children.

"We wanted LeapPad to offer kids the ability to create their personal experiences through content that can automatically adjusts to their skill level," said Craig Hendrickson, senior vice president and head of products at LeapFrog.

"Application LeapPad inspire children to explore their inner creativity. Is it doodling taking photo with the built-in camera, creating a story about themselves in the Story Studio, or bringing their favorite characters to live with Animation Studio, and anyway it was really meant for the children ".

Regarding availability alone, tablets LeapPad Explorer has now been marketed abroad with price per unit for $ 100 USD or the equivalent of 860 thousand dollars.

Rose as A Symbol of Love

basically this is a rose plant species of the plant genus rosa flower which is a thorny shrub. but because of the shape and color that produced a very beautiful then this plant became one of the plants that have a high value.

for most people in the world rose is also a symbol of love is very romantic, would not be surprised if on the day such as Valentine's Day tertenu very often encountered in the rose. but it turns out that beneath the beauty and fragrance of the roses stored very interesting facts like this.

The Reason Why Your boyfriend Angry

Angry and eventually fight with a couple things that have in a relationship. Who does not ever get mad? Almost everyone in this world would ever get angry, and it's really fair, but .. for obvious reasons. But not a bit of attitude that makes others angry or your partner is not comfortable with the attitude that you often do. Like, uncontrollable emotion (cursing), regardless of the context of the problem, the object at issue is not clear, especially when followed by physical movements such as hitting. Angry as it was not a good fit for you, your spouse, and of course your relationship. Angry, does not mean he did not love you or find you are not comfortable with anymore. Is an expression of angry because the person was not agreed to anything, and aggressively delivered. Having a partner with uncontrolled temperament indeed make 'hot', but try it out and be patient. The possibility of your spouse are still too many problems at work or else. Try to solve it in the following ways:

Leak Is a Mystery of Bali Island

Today, tourists who come to Bali was surprised by the presence of leak, which the leak itself can cause a person sick and died. Therefore if a holiday to Bali should be aware of this leak. Perhaps there are many who are confused by what it leak? Hence this time we will be discussing about the leak Bali. We will not discuss the leak is too detailed, as described would be useless. Because who would know about the leak in detail are those people Balinese Hindu religion.

In general, the leak can be interpreted as a miracle science, where people can science called ngeleak. Leak itself there are two types, namely leak that is good and evil. But science is often characterize as leak science of evil, even assuming it is ingrained in the community bali. Especially if you know that the leak will usually appear in the graveyard or a haunted place, it is no wonder people think that the leak is evil.

Leak himself more often resembles a fairly large bulb, and walking in the air at midnight. As mentioned above, the leak is the one who has mastered the science of pengeleakan. Then what is the purpose of the leak was?

With a high curiosity, we sent one of our writers to jump directly to Bali in order to know more detailed information about the leak. From the results of investigations carried out by our authors, it is known that the leak is very rarely dangerous for tourist. Following a conversation with one of our writers l figures in Bali.

Author: Sir, What is the leak?

The Balinese: Generally leak a miracle science, where science is studied in secret. Moreover also been haunted places and cemeteries as a medium of learning science.

Author: So what kind of leak that way?

The Balinese: Leak himself out of shape, because the leak is a science. However, people can ngeleak science can change shape into animals. In addition, people who have high enough science leaknya be able to remove or the soul spirit from his body, the soul is usually shaped like a light bulb and turn up at midnight.

Author: is leak dangerous to people? especially tourists.

The Balinese: Leak was not dangerous, dangerous are those who abuse the knowledge leak. Hence the term malicious leak, it is a dangerous leak. Usually this leak like nosy making people sick like bruises, swollen body and also to death.

So dangerous it is nasty leak, but the leak also choose to search for victims. And most of who are victims of evil is a native leak Bali, usually caused by revenge, jealousy and competition. So I feel safe - safe only tourists who come to Bali, as long as people do not have an enemy that could Bali ngeleak , don't they matter?
Author: Our last question, why leak could appear in the sights? What's the purpose to harm tourists?

Balinese: it is not true, because the leak appeared on the tour was to show the ability of those people who can leak science. Furthermore most tourist retreat or mysterious, so it was natural themselves. Since the leak like a lonely and haunted for the development of science, so I guess the leak is not dangerous for tourists.

That brief interview conducted by one of our writers with one character Bali anonymity, essentially leak harmless as it is a science. Dangerous are those who use science for evil leak, so do not worry for a visit to Bali.

Bad Effect From Obesity

after12pm-Anyone might not want to have body fatness / obesity because in addition to reducing self-confidence also need to be aware of a variety of malignancies. some diseases that can be triggered by obesity such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Causes of obesity
There are many ways you can do for your body is not overweight, some of which are exercising regularly, reducing the consumption of fatty and sugary foods, doing the diet and so on. But there are still many who are still overweight.

Factors that obesity causes a wide range, the main causes or triggers scientifically is due to consuming excess calories, more than is needed by the body. Of course there are many other factors that cause obesity are also affected, such as lifestyle, genetic and hormonal factors.

Here are seven bad habits that can trigger / cause of obesity, which is quoted from Quick Easy Fit:

1.consume of simple carbohydrates
To implement the diet program, you may decide to eat low-fat foods slogan or even fat free. However, you should know that such foods replace fat with carbohydrates is simple. Carbohydrates are digested rapidly in the body. So you are not going to be easy to feel satiated and end up eating these foods in excess. Instead of eating a low-fat diet with a slogan you should start eating complex carbohydrates to support your diet program.

2. Not looking for dieticians to guide your diet program
A dietician will guide you properly how to control your diet. He will help you to eat more intelligently. It is true that going to consult a dietician will spend some money, but the advice you get from them is far more valuable because it can be used for the rest of your life. And of course it would be able to assist in implementing a diet program that is much more effective than listening to advice from others who are not particularly expert in the field.

3. Lack of sleep at night
Researchers from Wake Forest claimed that dieters who slept for about five hours or less easier to get fat in the belly. And excessive sleep too less equally adverse effect. Try to sleep for 6 or 7 hours each night.

4. Used to drinking soda
In a study found that drinking one or two cans of soda per day increases your chances to be overweight or obese by 33%. For those who have a thin body probably is not a problem for you, but for those of you that currently have excess weight should immediately eliminate sugary drinks and soda in your daily menu. It is based on a study, "the single most effective target for intervention aimed at reducing obesity is through sugary drinks like soda," said Dr. David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital, as quoted by Medindia
5. Eating in a hurry
Necessary for you to know that it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to your brain that it is eating sufficient amounts. According to a report from the American Dietetic Association (ADA), people who eat fast will consume 66 more calories than those who ate slowly. If you manage not to consume excess calories are in 66 year's time, then you can lose weight more than 20 pounds each year. Therefore try eating by taking small bites and chew more gently, do not rush to swallow.

6. Eat more than they should
Sometimes at the restaurant provides a menu where you eat Jumbo size as a promotion, where you can get a larger share at a price cheaper than the normal price. Maybe it will attract your attention, and you will eventually eat foods with much more than that should be required on the day. Do not compromise on your weight just to save a few cents.

7. Consume less water
According to the University of Utah, by drinking 2 glasses of water before a meal will make lose 30% more weight than people who do not drink the water. German researchers found that drinking six glasses of water helps to increase metabolic rate. This can help reduce 50 calories.

Bad habits that can lead to overweight / obesity / obesity above is necessary to note, that the diet program you do. It becomes more effective.

Solution If The Passport is Lost While Abroad

Losing your passport while traveling abroad is not desirable, but there is still a possibility. So, what should you do if you lose the most crucial items when going cross country?

None of the traveler who wants to lose your passport while on holiday abroad. Good because kecopetan, negligence, or less alert. If you experience this, do not panic, there are a few things to do before you go back to Indonesia and take care of a lost passport.

Quoting the website of the Directorate General of Immigration Indonesia,, the first thing to do if you lose your passport abroad is reported to representatives of Indonesia (Embassy / Consulate General) in the country. Parties Embassy will issue travel documents Laksana Passport (SPLP) is functioning as a temporary passport.

To make SPLP, you must meet several requirements demanded by the local Embassy. Among them:

1. The identity card of Indonesia (including ID cards, birth / marriage certificate / card Family)
2. Letter from the loss of the nearest police station
3. A copy / photocopy of passport (if any)
4. SPLP application form completed and signed
5. 2 (two) pieces passport size photographs with light background color
6. Paying the cost of making SPLP, in some countries at U.S. $ 5 (about USD 45,000).

All requirements must be taken to the local Embassy when applying for SPLP. The length of the process depends Embassy in each country, ranging from 1 day to several weeks. If you can not show an identity card, SPLP publishing process will take a long time because checking identity and citizenship status.

If SPLP have been published, you can breathe easier and get back to Indonesia to take care of the loss of your passport at the Immigration Department in your city.

Well, in order to minimize the risk of loss, you'll want to visit to the Embassy upon arrival in the country bersangkutan.Hal is called "Self Report". This is best done when you live in a country of more than 1 week.

By performing Self Report, it will be easier for the Indonesian representative in the country concerned to anticipate things that are not desirable. When a lost passport, for example, the manufacture of SPLP will be faster because the data you have listed there. Including if you are affected, RI representatives will be faster to provide assistance and contact your family in the country.

When doing the Self Report, just show your passport along with 2 pieces passport size photographs with light background color. After that, just fill out and sign the form. Local Embassy officer will affix the stamp on your passport Self Report. You do not have to spend any money to do the Self Report. An easy way to minimize risk is great, is not it?

Farts Smell Apparently Healthy

Nanjing, China, Fart natural gas is released by the body. However, because it is a waste product of the digestive system, which is not pleasant aroma might make people faint. So what happens when a fart should be eaten and the blood pressure-lowering drugs?

In the normal frequency, farting is a healthy thing because it signifies particularly the digestive system to the anus intestinal peristalsis running normally.

Besides indicating a normal digestive system, according to a medical study conducted Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, the hydrogen sulfide contained in the fart has the ability to help reduce blood pressure.

However, researchers are still unsure of the amount needed to get the benefits and whether patients are willing to accept the 'eat fart' as a form of treatment.

Farts smell odors from hydrogen sulfide, a substance that has been proven effective in controlling blood pressure in rats in an experiment at Johns Hopkins University. The results of this study have been published in the journal Science.

"Despite these potential treatments, using gas (flatus) to treat high blood pressure remains to be tested in humans," said Yao Yuyu, a professor of Southeast University, as reported by haohaoreport

One Family Around The World With No Money

imagine traveling the world with your family, by car, for 11 consecutive years. Yes, that was done by the couple from Argentina who has spent more than a decade of driving bring their children around the world without a penny.

By using the classic Graham Paige car output in 1920, Herman and Candelaria Zapp have traveled around the world spanning four continents as far as 231,700 miles without stopping - visiting 44 countries and come to stay at more than 2500 families.
In exploration, the couple brought their child to the 4, Pampa (10), Tehue (7), Paloma (5) and Wallaby (3).

Their journey began from Argentina in 2000 by using the car's 85-year-old. After running out of money, they decided to rely on the good fortune of others. Those fortunate people who give them shelter, food and gasoline.

The pair also wrote a book called 'Spark your Dream' tells the story of their travel experience extraordinary. In the book, they mengucapan thanks to the people who had been kind to them a total of 12,000 people.

They confessed that their longest trip in the country is currently touring the U.S. with lead time of 13 months in 2008-2009.
Interestingly, all four of their children were born in the turns and was born in a different country. Pampa was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, Tehue born in Argentina, while Paloma came from Vancouver Island and wallabies were born in Australia.

"Initially we thought if we have children, we will never be able to travel. So we set a day to go to Alaska and plan for the child and bring them when we get back, "said Zapp.
Foreign can!! (**)

Tips to Remove Acne

Acne commonly appears during puberty, sometimes we get annoyed and feel like to get rid of acne that arise in our face. Sometimes we did not feel confident in public either friends especially my boyfriend because of acne on our faces. If it is so, we in fact often push it push here, he said that acne heal faster. It is precisely such a case make acne worse may even arise again new acne. Well, this time health information will give you tips that may be fairly powerful to eliminate acne.

1. Washing your face two times a day
By washing your face 2 times a day will help you eliminate acne. Washing your face done in the morning and evening using gentle facial cleansing. Acne occurs due to bacteria on the surface of our skin, if left unchecked it will make your face oily causing acne will arise. Try to wash your face when not to rub too much because it will actually increase oil production sobaceous which can cause problems on the skin, rub it slowly and gently.

2. Adjust Your Skin Type with Cosmetics You Use
The use of cosmetics for your skin should really be adjusted, if your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin. Why? If the type of cosmetics you use does not match your skin will cause acne occur. Therefore, adjustment is very important cosmetic use and choose cosmetics that really suitable for your skin.

3. Avoid the Oily Cosmetics
We suggest that as much as possible to avoid oily cosmetics, because oil and dust will be the medium of bacteria that causes acne on your skin.

4. Face dried with a clean towel after washing face or bath
Point one is often neglected, for some reason? Maybe because I was lazy or something, which he explained as I suggest you wash your face to dry with a clean towel. Usually the bacteria that cause acne like moist places.

5. White Water Consumption
By consuming water 2 times a day, the skin will feel healthy and fresh. Because nearly 70% of our skin consists of water.

6. Using Skin Moisturizers
Here is a skin moisturizer moisturizing oily skin open, but cosmetic products that are water. Use to help nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and chapped.

7. Ensure your skin Always Clean Before Sleep
Laziness is a major factor when trying to wash your face before bed, sleepy-ngantuknya especially fitting that we are lazy to wash his face. Try to wash your face before going to sleep so well regenerate the skin.

8. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Expand eat fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin E. Because in vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Thus, our skin will be free of acne.

9. Enough sleep and Disorders
As with us, the skin needs a break. Familiarize ourselves to sleep enough and regularly because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day, the skin will feel fresh and healthy.

That was a few tips to remove acne, follow these tips properly then acne would be difficult to attack us. Hopefully what we give benefits to those who read it. For parents the benefits of coconut water can see also here.

cause of eye circles

Some women even men we often encounter have dark circles under the eyes as a vampire hehehe (kidding). Does anyone know the cause? Let's look together. Here's his review.

Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes
1. The aging process. One of the processes of aging is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. For many parents encountered dark circles due to appear due to decreased skin elasticity.
2. Genetic factors. In the advent of genetic dark circles due to heredity.
3. Less nutrients. Vitamin deficiency also affects the appearance of dark circles under the eyes such as lack of vitamin A, C, K and E
4. Often smoking. For those of you smokers who need to know cigarette smoke can weaken the collagen, especially in the bottom of the eye. So avoid smoking
5. Exposure to UV exposure.
6. Often stayed up late one factor that is very influential because of a lack of rest. Fat people have dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep.
That's the latest health information on the causes of dark circles under the eyes. Hopefully this article increase your knowledge.

The Cause Of A slow Computer Performance

Computer slow, often hangs, suddenly died, and so it is very disturbing when we're operating a computer to move. Sometimes we do not know what causes it, and tend to leave it alone. In this article I will discuss the causes of a slow computer and common error.

Slow Computer.

Being a Slow Computer Causes:

1. Too many programs or software that is installed on your computer.

Without you knowing the number of programs installed on your computer will degrade the performance of your computer, it is usually due to lack of storage capacity on a computer for a variety of programs you have installed on your computer.

2. The cause of the latter is the presence of viruses, spyware, and malware that are on your computer.

When computers are infected by a virus or malware or spyware will bring bad effects on your windows defense systems. If you let the virus will be rampant and spread on your operating system.

3. System Files Missing or Corrupt.

At this point usually occurred when your computer has been infected by a virus and spread. Because when you clean virus in your computer with antivirus detected virus files accidentally deleted by the antivirus.

4. The capacity of RAM (Random Access Memory) is less.

RAM capacity is generally greatly affect how quickly a computer, because the RAM is the primary storage media when the computer is switched on. When you install the program on your computer exceeds the RAM capacity can make sure your computer will experience decreased performance or later.

Slow Computer

5. Hard drive does not support.

Hard drive is a storage medium as RAM, will also greatly affect the performance of your computer. When you have low disk space, error, fragmented, and so will make your computer's performance decreases.

6. The components contained in the CPU Overheat.

This situation often occurs when you rarely check and clean your hardware which includes the hard drive, VGA Cards, Processors, Power Supply, and others. The slow computer can also occur due to dust or dirt on your components, resulting in overheating your hardware.

7. Security Program too much on your computer.

Antivirus programs, firewalls, etc. is one of the security program, it is in need of a computer program like this. However, most people do not realize to instal of the antivirus and firewall programs more than 2 or 3 courses. This will cause a slow response to the defense system of your computer because they will run simultaneously.

With a little knowledge about the causes of a slow computer in the hope to add your insights in the world of technology especially in the field of computers.

The Role of Education

Education Articles is an article that provides information on education, both formal and non-formal. Just to remind you of the following I describe education about the philosophy of education and educational functions.

philosophy of Education
Education can be started before the baby is born as many people do with playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he can teach their baby before birth.

For some, the experience of daily life more meaningful than formal education. Family members have a profound teaching role, often more profound than they realize, even though teaching family members running unofficially.

functions of Education
According to Horton and Hunt, educational institutions relating to real functions (manifest). Preparing society members for a living, latent functions as a container educational institutions, through schooling parents delegate duties and responsibilities in educating children to school.

Schools have the potential to instill the value of dissent in society. This is reflected by Danya differences between schools and the community about things such as sex education and open attitude.

Education schools are expected to socialize to their students to accept differences in prestige, privilege, and status in society. Selecting and teaches social role.

Currently Not In accordance with the Dream Reality

Written by Anne Ahira


Many people feel frustrated because they do not correspond with the reality of dreams. For example, there is a child who wants to attend the University of A, but I did not charge enough. Alternatively, those who migrated to the big city, dreamed of getting national and even international-class jobs, but in fact obtained only a mediocre job and what they are. There is also a businessman, who may be expecting a profit jumps 10 times, even bankruptcy. What we expect, sometimes it does not correspond to reality. So what should we do? Here are 3 steps or tips that can mate do when dreams do not correspond to reality:
1. Always act in a flexible and dynamic
If my friend really want to succeed, it is necessary * readiness * to be able to act in a flexible and dynamic to any changes that occur. Now, I will make a simple analogy ... When there is a hurricane or a major hurricane, it is not rare to see a tree that has a very large fallen trunks! What for? Because they are not strong enough to bear the load received. But try bamboo behold! Due to the flexible stem, the bamboo can flexibly move in any direction, and rarely fall! Well, so anything with us! If we act and think dynamic and flexible, then we will be more resilient in the face of challenges and changes and problems that come up.

2. Think that THIS is the best for us!
When reality does not match the dream, believe that this is the best for us. We never know the scenarios that have been established. Because, according to the logic of everything that we are good, it could be just the opposite in the eyes of God! Think always positive for anything that happened to my friend. Do not let one failure makes buddy disappointed, much less frustrating and protracted. Buddy knows what I do if there is a dream or my desire not accomplished? I used to say:

"Come Ahira, you will not have to be disappointed, do not ask me why, it is GOOD for you! Now you listen carefully, God will replace it with THE BETTER! God who knows you well and wise people. Your life is filled with abundance , and you were born For pobud be a winner! "

I used to say it in front of a mirror with confidence, certainly when I was alone! hehe ... It works for me! :-) Buddy also may try later. What I did on top of that is the 'affirmation'. Affirmations are positive words spoken over and over again and is believed to form a positive image to reduce the negative attitudes in ourselves. Words of affirmation can we make / design their own, and then can be spoken verbally or silently. According to experts Hynotherapy, affirmation will be 'captured' by our subconscious. And when repeatedly spoken and with confidence, then we ARE or WILL be like it is, we say! In other words, affirmations are like prayers. Okay, now the next! Although at this time what we expect is not in accordance with the dreams, but we must ....

3. Stay Prepare MENTAL WINNER!
When we fail, it's better than blaming fate self introspection. Who knows, we are not ready to be a winner! :-) It could be that success will only make us proud, and because so unfortunately God gives us, He does not want His servants to sin. :-) Dude, every win is better than any sweat pioneered us! It would be better if we get the victory step by step. Many successful people, but then they fell. There are up again, there is not. Twists every human life is not the same. But remember, a chance to win it is always open to anyone, without exception! Fortune and victory indeed for multitude of God, many still hanging in the sky! :-) Now just how buddy! Is willing to grab it? or expect down by itself? I suggest, do not ever choose the latter :-) We all know that the name victory was often owned by those who ... ill never stop trying!

Tomato Juice Benefits Classified

There was also an option to remove the fresh and delicious thirst thirst in doing busy work activities required by the human body.

Tomato Juice Benefits Classifieds

In the tomato fruit contains nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which in one glass of tomato juice is very influential on improving endurance, especially for health. Good tomatoes are tomatoes that are still fresh and freshly plucked from the tree, so that the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are still many.

Tujuann we drink tomato juice tomato juice is that the properties could be more favorable survival of the human body in the face of a variety of diseases that always threatens health in every day and even every moment is when we breathe.

In the raw tomato juice nutritious blood circulation and prevent cancer because there is an anti-oxidant lycopene. It also prevents prostate cancer. Savor the other is the ability to control the stability of blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

For those of you who have high blood pressure, it is not advisable to consume excess tomato juice. Because tomatoes contain lots of salt minerals that are not suitable for people affected by hypertension.

Tomato called love apples for French society, because the mineral potassium in tomatoes increases stamina and refresh the body by the action of an exhaustive body of work. Not just the stamina to work, but also maintain the quality of passion for men.

Nutrients in tomatoes will be able to increase endurance well. So the therapy consumed tomato juice regularly, will speed healing health after waking up from the pain.

Drink tomato juice is very useful to keep your digestive system and increase appetite. Vitamin C in tomatoes are processed into juices will enhance the ability of the body's immunity to keep the spirit and healthy in all situations encountered in the work and activities each day (for the busy).

By drinking tomato juice can increase appetite, but the ideal level so that the body does not become fat. Tomato juice is able to maintain ideal body weight because it only has 50 calories per 250 ml.

Savor tomato juice if consumed regularly and clean can help cure the disease anorexia, in which a person loses his appetite. Processed tomatoes and spinach that was served in the form of juice drinks to function smooth bowel movement, or known as constipation.

Liver function is very important in maintaining stamina and health of the human body. Tomato juice is beneficial to increase the levels of glycogen in the human liver. Then the liver will remain stable and healthy when you have to keep working hard.

In addition, fruit drinks tomato juice increases the bile of human health care. Bioflavonoids in processed tomato fruit drinks increases defense capillaries. And so help avoid leakage of blood vessels.

Choose Tomato Juice Drinks For tebaik

Heat thirst while working to make the throat feel dry and thirsty. Keep raw tomato juice to quench your thirst, because the tomato juice does not cause negative side effects for the body when consumed in large quantities.

Try using a healthy drink as a good lifestyle and natural. Tomato juice will taste different with a unique taste sensation and fresh when made with a blend of cucumber, lemon, and carrot, apple.

Choose the best tomatoes into tomato juice that is rich in nutrients and vitamins in the best beverage list, because the benefits of tomato juice is needed by the body's health. Start a healthy lifestyle with tomato juice and you will always fit. Good luck, hopefully you healthy always.

Rain Water Really Beneficial to Your Health?

Rain water has a temperature below the average of other freshwater. So that it can make the body shivering, although only exposed to rain a few moments. It could even mengaklibatkan flu, cough, and fever. But even so, the rain turned out to be useful for a few things on the human body. Some of the benefits of rain water for our bodies include:

1. If we eliminate the fishy odor after eating fish or meat, sometimes smells fishy in the palm harder to lose even though we wash hands with soap. Well one of the benefits of rain water is able to eliminate the fishy odor. Try it buddy netter handwashing rain, definitely fishy smell on your fingers will be lost, even without the use of soap

2. Staggering the nervous system of the body like the reflfeksi massage, the basic pattern is Staggering nervous system located under the skin tissue. If we shower of rain for 10 minutes, then the thousands of items of rain would hit us. Blows rain water may be surprised thousands of nervous systems spread throughout the body. Especially when we are riding a motorcycle with an open visor, rain blows in our face will feel harder, it was like an elixir massage can improve blood circulation to the face.

3. Eliminating toxins (toxins) in the body with salt dissolves in fresh rain water, then soak our feet for ± 15 minutes. Perform routine every time it rains. Keep pure rain water is used. What is meant by pure rain water is collected rain water directly on container without passing through other media. Keep container rainwater in the open, so that water from the sky straight into the container shelter, without passing through tiles or gutters. Actually there are many benefits of rain water for our bodies. But since pegel already writing his article, Jadu quite so first article about the benefits of rain water for the body.

Tips To Avoid Of Hepatitis B Virus

Viral hepatitis has diverse meanings and meaning in general is an interference with the function of the heart or it can also be called a disorder and inflammation of the liver cells. Definition of hepatitis can also be defined as inflammation of the liver caused by a wide - variety of causes. Hepatitis can be transmitted also by an infection called "Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 'and a virus called' monoknukleosis infectious'. The type of hepatitis caused by a virus or not of non-viral is because someone likes to consume alcohol and drugs.

The organs most affected the course of hepatitis liver. In fact there are several hepatitis viruses that can damage the liver function that can cause death.

Of the many causes of hepatitis, viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E) are the most commonly found.

Here are some tips you can do to prevent contracting hepatitis virus.

1. Vaccination
Currently available vaccines for hepatitis A and B viruses were shown to be very effective. Gift can be a single or a combination of both. Unfortunately the vaccine for hepatitis C has not been found.

2. Wash your hands
Try hand washing especially after using the restroom and before preparing / handling food. Wash hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizers can also.

3. Stay away from other people's blood
No one knows if someone is suffering from hepatitis patients themselves do not even know it. Because most of the patients did not complain of symptoms of hepatitis meaningful.

Consequently, we must always protect themselves from contact with blood of others, especially for those working in health facilities.

If there is blood contact, wash with soap as soon as possible.

4. Be careful with the needle
Very likely we are exposed to hepatitis from needles used to make tattoo or piercing. So, make sure the needles used for the action really sterile and people who do tattoo is a professional.

5. Know when to exchange something
Exchange exchange toys, office equipment and vehicles was common and safe, otherwise be unsafe if we exchange exchange toothbrushes, razors, nail clippers and other personal devices. Of course, these include syringes and medical equipment devices.

6 Do safe sex
There are 3 types of viral hepatitis are transmitted through sexual contact. Thus, it is important to know your medical history close friends. Remember to always use a condom unless you are sure you were not infected with hepatitis.

7. Watch what you eat and drink
While at home you are very concerned about hygiene when preparing food, but you can not know what and how food is prepared when you buy it outside the house.

Be careful in selecting and sorting the food, especially food that is consumed directly.

Recognize the Symptoms of Hepatitis B


Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) B is a disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver that in a minority of cases may progress to sirosi liver or liver cancer. Hepatitis B Hepatitis is a disease that most often the case that ordinary people rarely known, but the virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids, it can happen on the circumstances;

* Direct contact of blood with blood
* The relationship of unsafe sexual
* The use of unsterilized needles
* An infected needle stick
* Contaminated needles used to make tattoos, acupuncture, body piercing
* At the time of pregnancy - maternal-fetal transmission of the birthing process
* Use a razor with
* Blood transfusion

Symptoms and Signs

The incubation period before the onset of clinical symptoms VHB approximately between 6 weeks to 6 months, but nearly a third of cases of people with no symptoms at all. The rest of HBV infection can cause symptoms such as flu, along with body weakness and pains, headache, fever, decreased appetite, diarrhea, jaundice (yellow), nausea and vomiting. Symptoms can become heavy and last for months coupled with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and jaundice. Jaundice occurs in liver disease due to hepatitis can not remove bilirubin in the blood. So it can change the color of the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow.


Most people with hepatitis B do not require specific treatment other than rest and they will recover fully. If HBV infection persists for more than 6 months (chronic hepatitis infection), can be given antiviral drugs called alpha interveron. Treatment aims to reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer


Hepatitis B is included in the hazardous agent in health workers, police, and services kegawat daruratan. So these workers must be careful in doing his job. There is an effective hepatitis B vaccine to protect people from infection with HBV. Family and other household members of people with hepatitis B should be in vaccines against hepatitis B. These are the people who need to be vaccinated;

* Family and other household members of patients
* People who are in work exposed to body fluids (c /: health workers)
* People who travel to endemic countries
* Babies born to infected mothers
* Users of drugs
* People who are having unsafe sex
* Prisoners

Symptoms Stress

Is your hair falling out excessively in recent weeks? Look back what happened to you. Is the deadline for the job could be on vacation in peace so you depressed? Or the demands of the new school year ahead "sweat" you?

Hair loss, according to a health site, is one of the signs of stress you. Stress, says the site, appeared in a variety of symptoms. In fact, they write, those who do often do not realize he was being under stress.

This site revealed a number of suspicious physical signs as a sign you suffer from serious stress. If you experience two or more of the following symptoms, you are advised to get expert help as soon as possible:

In his latest book, On the Brink, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, said severe stress during the height of the financial crisis in 2008. He admitted often nausea. He often experience these symptoms even before the staff even when meeting with the Congress. Medically, stress and anxiety can lead to nausea to vomiting and a condition called "cyclic vomiting syndrome" a condition in which people experience nausea and vomiting during the period of time, starting at the same time every day. Find ways to calm down or eliminate the source of your stress, such as meditation practice and try to be more calm.

Hair loss
There are several reasons that your hair may fall out, from genetics to drug effect. However, stress is one of them. Among the conditions associated with stress to result in hair loss is alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder when white blood cells attack the hair follicles, causing hair loss. Another condition triggered by stress that have more extreme results is called telogen effluvium which is basically characterized by a sudden loss (up 70 percent) hair. Hair loss can occur months after a stressful event, for example, a death in the family or childbirth, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. However, the loss will usually recover quickly after the stress passes.

There is some debate as to whether nosebleeds are triggered by stress, but research has shown that, in some cases, patients who experienced bleeding in the situation they are experiencing stress. An article in 2001 in the British Medical Journal showed that the gal is related to blood pressure spikes are very common when you're stressed. Get out while the frenzied activity of your routine, relax, and brewing herbal drinks can be a little help.

Loss of memory
If you find yourself not able to remember the details just discussed in the meeting a few minutes ago, it could be the effect of your hippocampus shrinks, says Jeffrey Rossman, PhD, a psychologist in Massachusetts. Chronic stress can expose the hippocampus, the brain region that controls your short-term memory, to excessive levels and can inhibit the ability of your brain to remember things. Dealing with the root cause of your stress is the best way to get your memory back.

Weakened immune
The most noticeable effect that stress is attacking your immune system is weak. It happens due to several reasons. First, stress triggers the release of catecholemines, a hormone that helps regulate the immune system. Prolonged release of these hormones can interfere with their ability to withstand the onslaught of the disease. Second, says Rossman, stress shrinks the thymus gland, pressing the white blood cells, and damaged telomeres, genes that help the immune cells to reproduce.

Excessive sweating
Everyone knows that the body sweat more when you are stressed. Some people who experience stress or suffer from hyperhidrosis sweat excessively, especially on the palms of the hands and feet, says Rossman. Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress-related sweating.

iPhone 5 Still Better Than Samsung Galaxy S4

S4 Galaxy arrival did reduce competition reheat the world of high-end smartphones. But, in fact Apple is not bothered about this.

As reported by Value Walk (15/3), the arrival of these new devices still can not shake the iPhone 5 position in the public eye. This is because the Galaxy S4 can not outperform the full device from Apple, the iPhone 5.

It is also supported by the opinion of analysts concerning the coming Galaxy S4 and threat to Apple. "We were very surprised by the response to analysts and the media stating that Samsung has outperformed Apple innovation. People may believe it if Apple says Samsung is crushing. In fact, it did not make sense, "said Brian White, an analyst from the Topeka Capital Market.

Brian continued that the Galaxy S4 does not have a strong point in the market or at least make him look better than the iPhone 5. This is evident from the size and shape of the Galaxy S4 were not friendly at hand. Indeed, when compared with the iPhone 5, Galaxy S4 look fatter.

In addition, the choice of a fixed equip Samsung Galaxy S4 with plastic body also criticized. When compared to the iPhone 5, which uses aluminum body, it will be seen that the Galaxy S4 is very cheap at all.

In line with the response Brian White, Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray also assume that the iPhone 5 will stay one step ahead this year. This is because the Galaxy S4 visible only superior in terms of just the screen compared to the iPhone 5.

Previously, the team also tried to compare Samsung's new device with some high-end smartphones output of other manufacturers. results, though superior, real excellence Galaxy S4 thin odds with the iPhone 5.

Show Off Your Chest Naked Picture On Facebook, Tunisia Girl Being Stoned

 Femen activist, Amina create controversy for uploading nude photos on Facebook. Salafi clerics Tunisia, Natural Adel asked the 19-year-old stoned to death.

"According to religious law, she deserves 80 to 100 lashes. However, what he did more than that. He deserves to be stoned to death, and she had to be quarantined because of what it does can be endemic, "said Alami, told Al Arabiya.

"He was like a person suffering from a serious illness and infectious. He must be ostracized and treated, "he said Alami, was quoted as saying Tunisia AssabahNews origin.

Amina, was a member of the movement and the group Femen and upload photos she was topless while smoking. Not only that, in the chest, there is an inscription in Arabic which means 'My body is mine'.

According to the leader of Femen movement, Inna Shevchenko, revealed that Amina by his parents want to be taken to a mental hospital in Tunisia.

While the media in Tunisia wrote, Amina action could be sentenced to more than two years in prison and a fine of between Rp 500 thousand to Rp 5 million.

Threats terhapat Aminan make 10 thousand people signed a petition calling for anyone who wants to sue threatening Amina.

Femen's Facebook account said to have been hacked, videos and pictures on the Facebook page was reported to have been replaced by the Quranic verses.

11 Unique Facts of Women


"Women are the most beautiful of God's creatures." Maybe it's in the minds of many men. Yes, of course all men think women are beautiful creatures, gentle, and attractive. However, do you know the other women who had never ditampakkannya in men?
Women are different from men. Sometimes they were thinking the same thing did not occur to him. Here are some unique and weird facts about women, as reported by the Times of India (28/09).
1. Women always carry a handbag
Men should pay attention to this. Most women feel awkward when they do not carry anything in their hands.
2. Women are often confused with clothes
Although he had bought all the clothes she wants, she is often confused when it comes to choosing clothes to wear. Suddenly the contents of their closet to be not good enough, and they need more clothes shopping.
3. Women also often did not shower
Although more famous women mania cleanliness than men, in fact, some women also dirty. Some even rely on infrequent bathing and perfume to make them smell good body.
4. Eat a lot
When in front of men, women usually only eat a little. But wait until she was alone. He could spend a lot of food at once devoured.
5. After making love, she still likes to 'play'
When the men were exhausted and prefers to sleep after sex, women prefer talking, playing around and kissing her partner. For a good and goes well, he should know this.
6. Women concerned with her appearance when sex
Women are not confident with their bodies when naked during sexual intercourse.
7. Women love to bargain
Although the price is very cheap, it is not afdhol for women if they do not bid until satisfied.
8. Chocolate than sex
If you had to choose, about 70 percent of women prefer chocolate than have sex.
9. The same clothes
The women do not like it when they see another woman wearing the same clothes they are wearing or their own.
10. Mature faster
Both biologically and psychologically, women mature faster than men.
11. Time in front of the mirror
If allowed, she could spend a day just sitting in front of the mirror for makeup and see her.
Those are some unique facts about women. How, nothing else to add other than the fact of the above?

In This Castle, Ballet Dancing Horse Trained

It was not only the man who followed the ballet school, but the horses were also following the dance program is often done by the French nobility. Schools, commonly called "haute ecole" has been introduced ballet for horses since 300 years ago in England.

In some photos that were displayed on the page Dailymail, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, were two horses breed Andalusia, Spain, named Almonzor and Ocle are being trained for the ballet by the coach, Ben Atkinson (19). Both horses were known to have high intelligence and easy to teach discipline.

The horses look so adept at doing some unusual choreography ranging from kicks, leaps, to prance with a slope of 30-35 degrees using only two legs.

Ballet training for the horse itself is done at Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, England, the same location where the first Duke Newcastle, William Cavendish, introducing ballet is turning into sport called dressage. In the room where trained horses that choice, put a white pole in the middle to make the horse kept running around the room.

Cavendish introduce ballet for horses was 300 years ago in the 17th century. Now dressage has competed up to the Olympic level. In the year 2012 Olympics held in London, UK equestrian team won the gold medal for this dressage class.

Self Motivation

Motivation Mario Teguh On Sincerity - Word / Sentence To Motivate About Sincerity, after all this time I do not share the wise words sincere, this time I will share a little about the status of Mr. Mario Teguh importance of sincerity, check this out:

a sincerity

Do not be discouraged by a small income,
as long as you are sincere and honest work to grow.
Most people who become rich
and valuable to the community,
once candid simple life with small income
for a period of time.
And suddenly the blessed fortune it
revealed by God.

Hopefully the same thing made by God
for every soul who reads this sentence.
# Mario Teguh

Hopefully strands short sentence above can be slightly moving the hearts of friends about the importance of sincerity, so to Motivation Mario Teguh About Sincerity

Korean Fashion Accessories

Latest Fashion Belts

With the development of women's fashion and lifestyle Indonesia today, the details of the problem to the appearance of beauty is considered by women in Indonesia, especially for teenagers and career women.
Not just a matter of Fashion apparel, but also Fashion accessories such as bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, etc.. It makes a lot of online stores have sprung up to offer a variety of accessories for women. One of the newest is the accessories that women from Korea, who now began circulating on facebook.
So what are the advantages of fashion accessories from Korea this?? Apparently in addition to its beautiful, Harganyapun also reasonably priced. As sold by, online stores engaged in wholesale accessories offers a business opportunity in selling korean fashion accessories that would have the most compared to other online wholesalers. In addition, many new items with funny shapes are always popping up every few days.
The discounts they offer are also quite tempting. Achieve 15% off for the reseller who buy a certain amount. This makes sellers more Fashion accessories circulating on various social media networks.

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Latest korean earrings
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To see what kind of Korean Fashion accessories, please go directly to

Soursop Leap

Efficacy Soursop Leaves For Health - The latest info - Soursop is one of the main fruits that has properties that are very good for health. Healthy body is very important for all of us, because our bodies healthy then all the activities we do every day will run smoothly without any obstacles.
What is the content contained soursop fruit? Quoted from the second health by:

    dr. Hardhi revealed soursop contains saponin compounds, polyphenols and bioflavonoids that have antioxidant properties.

Efficacy Soursop Leaves for Health
Soursop Leaves Illustration
Namely, Soursop use a different way than other herbs that will only mebunuh Soursop cells that grow abnormally or cells contained inside the cancer cells. However soursop will not damage body cells healthy.

Additionally soursop fruit has good flavor while maintaining health, preventing the body that are not easily affected by the disease as well as treating disease. Other properties of soursop fruit is anti-parasitic, overcome defresi, and also boost immunity or immunity.
In addition there are many other benefits of soursop both leaves and fruit.

Among the benefits of soursop leaves, there are some very well known that Soursop have properties such as:

    As Cancer Treatment
    Treating Infant diarrhea
    Treating Ulcers
    Treating Back Pain
    treat hemorrhoid

For how to use, or you can use just enough to know how to better use as a drug, you can ask your doctor or an expert, this is for meminimaliasir of error in treating the illness.

The use of herbal medicine has been proven to treat tumors and also prevented tumor, but prevention is still the best before the disease attacks the body.
By eating natural foods and reducing foods that have the artificial preservatives may be able to keep your body more immune from attacks of various diseases.

Hopefully this article on the efficacy of soursop leaves is beneficial for your health, get well wishes and keep your body health.

Bali Kuta Beach

Places Of Interest In Bali Kuta Beach
Latest Info - Places Of Interest In Bali Kuta Beach - Attraction Kuta Beach in Bali. Kuta, what do you think of when you hear or read this word? yes, surely you will think about his beach offering beauty.
Kuta Beach is one of the main attractions in Bali precisely in the south of Denpasar, Bali's Badung regency. In Bali's tourist attractions, many local and foreign tourists who visit to enjoy the beauty omabak, surfing or otherwise.
Kuta Beach has beautiful beaches and being one of the main tourist destinations which are visited daily by both local and foreign tourists (foreigners).
Within 24 hours of attractions is as if I never slept, during the day a lot of the tourists who were shore, many activities can be done at this Kuta beach attractions, either by sunbathing, swimming, sitting around chatting casually with friends, enjoying the waves Lovely to surfing or surfing.
Sunset at Kuta Beach Bali
One of the main factors that encourage local and foreign tourists visiting the tourist attractions in Bali, Kuta Beach is because they are interested to invest in them to build restaurant, shopping mall and hotel.
Also in Kuta Beach, in the afternoon we will be treated to a beautiful view of the sunset or sunset.
On the sidelines waiting for the sunset you can walk around to look at souvenirs or the other.
At night sights in Bali offers a bar and a cafe as a place to dance, and others.
Places Of Interest In Bali Kuta Beach is certainly many who know the location of its existence.
But just to share information, you can use the google map as a map that can facilitate you to visit this tourist spot of Kuta beach.

Samsung Galaxy S II

Samsung Galaxy S II, HP Android Pengemar For those of you who like a particular photo shoot, and to produce good color use the Samsung Galaxy S II which can Express your color display with brilliant color displays best in class, high contrast and exceptional image sharpness is superb. Groundbreaking reduction of video response time generate good video playback. So with this new technology saves space and power and energy consumption of less than 18% from the previous display, making it one of the slimmest smartphones and longer lasting in its class.

Samsung Galaxy S II is a smartphone based on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Samsung Galaxy S II uses Super AMOLED Plus screen measuring 4.3 inches with WVGA resolution. Samsung claims that the screen Galaxy S II is the best display technology in the world and better than the IPS LCD screen.

Samsung Galaxy S II uses a 1GHz dual core processor which is claimed by Samsung as the most powerful processor to date. Samsung Galaxy S II is also supported by a powerful GPU and 1GB of RAM memory. Samsung Galaxy S II is also equipped with a battery capacity of 1650 mAh, 8 megapixel camera with video recording capability are quite reliable. Below is the Price And Specifications Samsung Galaxy S II.

Samsung Galaxy S II Specifications:
General: - GSM 850/900/1800/1900
- HSDPA 850/900/1900/2100
Dimensions: 125.3 x 66.1 x 8.5 mm and weighs 116 grams
Operation System: Android OS - v2.3 Gingerbread
Messaging: SMS, MMS, EMS
Screen: Super AMOLED touch screen, 16 million colors, 4.3 inches
Camera: CMOS, 8.0 Megapixel
Battery: Standard battery, Li-Ion 1650 mAh
Memory: 16GB/32GB storage, 1 GB RAM, microSD up to 32GB
Connectivity: HSDPA, 21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, EDGE, v3.0 + HS, Bluetooth v3.0 + HS, 3G, GPRS, USB port, Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n, DLNA, Data Cable , GPS
Other Features:
A-GPS, Digital Compass
NFC support (optional), SNS integration, Image / video editor, Document editor (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Google Search, Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk
Price of Samsung Galaxy S II

At this price the Samsung Galaxy S II on the month of September around Rp. 5.15 million. But for those who have more money, this includes cheap price with complete facilities and good.

Bruce Willis Invites A Justin Bieber To Join In Some Films Together

Bruce Willis Wants Bieber Invites Main Movie Action - Bruce Willis is synonymous with his films were filled with stunts. Who would have thought that 57-year-old actor also admire the young Canadian singer, Justin Bieber.

He even had a dream to bring Bieber to play in a movie. For her full figure that Bieber is talented and will be very exciting when he plays action movie.

"We certainly look forward to working with him. I like him, very talented. Who does not like Justin Bieber, he's awesome. I also really like her hair, "says Bruce Willis, told Gossip Artis Indonesia.

The actor was 57 years old, is full of exciting ideas. Commedy action movie genre was developed. He was indeed increased, but his stamina fixed maximum. The proof, he is now busy promoting the film "Red 2" commedy action genre along with other veteran actors and actresses.

Successful "Red" in 2010 looked like diulangnya. No kidding, the famous names in the world of acting involved in the "Red 2", like Mary-Louise Parker, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Lee Byung-hun, Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren.

Here's How Halle Berry Uniq Wear Perfume

How to Wear Perfume Strange Halle Berry - Actress Halle Berry engaged to French actor Olivier Martinez, has released five fragrances. He has long loved the various scents of perfume. Not only that, Berry also has a strange way of using fragrances in the body.

If a person usually frequent spraying perfume all over his body, neck and wrists, but Berry is different. He, it has a habit of spraying perfume in between her thighs. This is done, for sure Berry, spraying perfume on the part of the ordinary, be durable long lasting aroma.

As quoted by the website Gossip Artis Indonesia, the woman's 46-year-old beauty told Conan O'Brien, "Do not wear perfume in the palm of the hand. How you wear a fragrance, it should be sprayed between the thighs. The aroma will last throughout the day. And when you hug someone you do not leave marks. That's right. That's how to wear perfume you should be doing, "said Berry.

More recently, Halle Berry has arranged a birthday plans for her daughter Nahla to the theme of My Little Pony. The event will take place in Los Angeles, Saturday, March 16, 2013.

This is the cause of kristen stewart a Lesbian

Cause Life Mother Kristen Stewart Lesbian? - Robert Pattinson back 'wrath' on Kristen Stewart. After the affair that made him slumped Stewart, Stewart is now re-make Rob maintain a distance with him. Proximity Stewart's assistant Katy Perry, Rob Tamra Natisin make him uncomfortable.

"Rob was angry when he saw the photo with the Christian and Tamra. Their relationship is very suspicious. It was clear to all Christian friends and Tamra that there was a romance between the two of them, "the source told Gossip Artis Indonesia.

Christian became interested Tamra when met at Hollywood's Hotel Cafe on March 3. Both of them hit it off and look a few times to spend time with. The closeness is what makes Christianity as a lesbian.

Stewart a lesbian romance changes associated with her ​​mother's life, Jule Stewart. Since the divorce with his father, his mother living with same-sex couples. Conditions that make a comfortable Christian mengekspolarasi his sexual life.

Health and Beauty Tips

White skin is a dream for every person. Not just the weather alone but people here also want a healthy white. Today many beauty products that had contests to tie consumers to their products. For that you have to be careful in choosing cosmetics for your skin. If you choose one you might be allergic to cosmetics you use.

For more vigilant, preferably in whiten your skin using natural ingredients that do not contain any chemicals. It is so in addition you are not allergic to beauty products with natural ingredients and do not spend the inside.

This one fruit better known as fishy odor remover, or a mixture of flavoring food. But the real lime juice are also many benefits for beauty and health. Water that comes from the flesh of the fruit is known to be able to make smaller pores and remove excess fat in oily skin types.

To close the skin pores. Take meat lemon, apply on skin. Usually around the nose and cheek pores look big. To whiten and soften the skin. Rub lemon slices on the skin of the face and other body parts.

It is said that a lot of avocado nianfaatnya especially for beauty. With science, it is evident that the avocado is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Avocado contains vitamins A, C, and E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acids and proteins that are not normally present in the fruit. All of these substances are useful for the beauty and skin health.

As a moisturizer. Take part in the avocado skin, which contains humectants, and able to withstand moisture. Rub gently all around the face and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash your face using cold water. Do it at night before you sleep because the night is the right time for the skin to work. Facial moisture to make up last a long time afterwards.

Use Mask and Scrub
The use of masks is an effort to beautify themselves with a treatment using several types of plants such as vegetables. Masks can be stressful and lubricate the skin. The use of plant products included in the making of masks. Teenage skin should use a mask of vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, yam, potatoes, carrots.

Yam Mask: Can whiten and remove black marks and pigmentation in the skin.
Potato mask: Can soften and whiten skin.
Tomato Mask: It can soften and lubricate the skin.

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