Facts and Figures About Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth be a technology that is very common at this time. With the Bluetooth connection between the electronic device with other devices becomes more simple. Along with the development, too many different devices equipped with Bluetooth. Of mobile phones, computers, or headsets.

Although often use Bluetooth, do you know the origin of the naming of Bluetooth? In addition, there are other facts about Bluetooth that is rarely known by the layman. The following are the facts.

1. Bluetooth naming was taken from one of the Danish king named King Harald Blatand. In the pronunciation of English, the name is read King Harold Bluetooth. The king ruled in the period 958 to 986. Harrald King was known as someone who could unite the region Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

2. Bluetooth technology is first implemented by Ericsson in 1994. The Sweden-based company that conducted the study to determine the benefits of using Bluetooth technology. Furthermore, together with Intel, IBM, Toshiba and Nokia, Ericsson collect Special Interest Group (SIG) in 1998 and subsequently issued the Bluetooth specification was first in the world in 1999.

3. Bluetooth is a radio signal. As radio signals, Bluetooth apparently not suitable for means of communicating. This was revealed after Andretti Racing Team to use it. And, because it contains a microwave radio waves, the use of Bluetooth is said to cause health problems.

4. Bluetooth has a fairly wide range. A Bluetooth device, still able to work in a range of 10 meters. Even in the latest developments, Bluetooth able to work within a distance of 100 meters.

5. Currently, 95 percent of mobile phones sold have Bluetooth connectivity. The amount is much improved compared to 2008 where there are only 5 per cent on the market.

LeapPad Explorer Tablets for Kids New From LeapFrog Hops

At first glance there is no difference with most tablet devices that exist today, but who would have thought the presence of a single tablet is apparently carrying a very noble mission that is rarely found today.

The LeapPad Explorer tablet is manufactured by LeapFrog Hops. This tablet is designed for educational success for children.

With a diagonal length of 5 inches, the tablet has a touch screen and a 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 480 x 272 pixels. And because it is only for the children, reportedly the tablet is only supported by the presence of only 400MHz processor.

Than as a means of education, this tablet can also be used as an entertainment device, thanks to the accelerometer, built-in camera, microphone and even a stylus (for drawing and such). Coupled with a stocky shape and slightly rounded and alluring color combination is certainly very suitable when used by children.

"We wanted LeapPad to offer kids the ability to create their personal experiences through content that can automatically adjusts to their skill level," said Craig Hendrickson, senior vice president and head of products at LeapFrog.

"Application LeapPad inspire children to explore their inner creativity. Is it doodling taking photo with the built-in camera, creating a story about themselves in the Story Studio, or bringing their favorite characters to live with Animation Studio, and anyway it was really meant for the children ".

Regarding availability alone, tablets LeapPad Explorer has now been marketed abroad with price per unit for $ 100 USD or the equivalent of 860 thousand dollars.

Rose as A Symbol of Love

basically this is a rose plant species of the plant genus rosa flower which is a thorny shrub. but because of the shape and color that produced a very beautiful then this plant became one of the plants that have a high value.

for most people in the world rose is also a symbol of love is very romantic, would not be surprised if on the day such as Valentine's Day tertenu very often encountered in the rose. but it turns out that beneath the beauty and fragrance of the roses stored very interesting facts like this.

The Reason Why Your boyfriend Angry

Angry and eventually fight with a couple things that have in a relationship. Who does not ever get mad? Almost everyone in this world would ever get angry, and it's really fair, but .. for obvious reasons. But not a bit of attitude that makes others angry or your partner is not comfortable with the attitude that you often do. Like, uncontrollable emotion (cursing), regardless of the context of the problem, the object at issue is not clear, especially when followed by physical movements such as hitting. Angry as it was not a good fit for you, your spouse, and of course your relationship. Angry, does not mean he did not love you or find you are not comfortable with anymore. Is an expression of angry because the person was not agreed to anything, and aggressively delivered. Having a partner with uncontrolled temperament indeed make 'hot', but try it out and be patient. The possibility of your spouse are still too many problems at work or else. Try to solve it in the following ways:

Leak Is a Mystery of Bali Island

Today, tourists who come to Bali was surprised by the presence of leak, which the leak itself can cause a person sick and died. Therefore if a holiday to Bali should be aware of this leak. Perhaps there are many who are confused by what it leak? Hence this time we will be discussing about the leak Bali. We will not discuss the leak is too detailed, as described would be useless. Because who would know about the leak in detail are those people Balinese Hindu religion.

In general, the leak can be interpreted as a miracle science, where people can science called ngeleak. Leak itself there are two types, namely leak that is good and evil. But science is often characterize as leak science of evil, even assuming it is ingrained in the community bali. Especially if you know that the leak will usually appear in the graveyard or a haunted place, it is no wonder people think that the leak is evil.

Leak himself more often resembles a fairly large bulb, and walking in the air at midnight. As mentioned above, the leak is the one who has mastered the science of pengeleakan. Then what is the purpose of the leak was?

With a high curiosity, we sent one of our writers to jump directly to Bali in order to know more detailed information about the leak. From the results of investigations carried out by our authors, it is known that the leak is very rarely dangerous for tourist. Following a conversation with one of our writers l figures in Bali.

Author: Sir, What is the leak?

The Balinese: Generally leak a miracle science, where science is studied in secret. Moreover also been haunted places and cemeteries as a medium of learning science.

Author: So what kind of leak that way?

The Balinese: Leak himself out of shape, because the leak is a science. However, people can ngeleak science can change shape into animals. In addition, people who have high enough science leaknya be able to remove or the soul spirit from his body, the soul is usually shaped like a light bulb and turn up at midnight.

Author: is leak dangerous to people? especially tourists.

The Balinese: Leak was not dangerous, dangerous are those who abuse the knowledge leak. Hence the term malicious leak, it is a dangerous leak. Usually this leak like nosy making people sick like bruises, swollen body and also to death.

So dangerous it is nasty leak, but the leak also choose to search for victims. And most of who are victims of evil is a native leak Bali, usually caused by revenge, jealousy and competition. So I feel safe - safe only tourists who come to Bali, as long as people do not have an enemy that could Bali ngeleak , don't they matter?
Author: Our last question, why leak could appear in the sights? What's the purpose to harm tourists?

Balinese: it is not true, because the leak appeared on the tour was to show the ability of those people who can leak science. Furthermore most tourist retreat or mysterious, so it was natural themselves. Since the leak like a lonely and haunted for the development of science, so I guess the leak is not dangerous for tourists.

That brief interview conducted by one of our writers with one character Bali anonymity, essentially leak harmless as it is a science. Dangerous are those who use science for evil leak, so do not worry for a visit to Bali.