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Facts and Figures About Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth be a technology that is very common at this time. With the Bluetooth connection between the electronic device with other devices becomes more simple. Along with the development, too many different devices equipped with Bluetooth. Of mobile phones, computers, or headsets.

Although often use Bluetooth, do you know the origin of the naming of Bluetooth? In addition, there are other facts about Bluetooth that is rarely known by the layman. The following are the facts.

1. Bluetooth naming was taken from one of the Danish king named King Harald Blatand. In the pronunciation of English, the name is read King Harold Bluetooth. The king ruled in the period 958 to 986. Harrald King was known as someone who could unite the region Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

2. Bluetooth technology is first implemented by Ericsson in 1994. The Sweden-based company that conducted the study to determine the benefits of using Bluetooth technology. Furthermore, together with Intel, IBM, Toshiba and Nokia, Ericsson collect Special Interest Group (SIG) in 1998 and subsequently issued the Bluetooth specification was first in the world in 1999.

3. Bluetooth is a radio signal. As radio signals, Bluetooth apparently not suitable for means of communicating. This was revealed after Andretti Racing Team to use it. And, because it contains a microwave radio waves, the use of Bluetooth is said to cause health problems.

4. Bluetooth has a fairly wide range. A Bluetooth device, still able to work in a range of 10 meters. Even in the latest developments, Bluetooth able to work within a distance of 100 meters.

5. Currently, 95 percent of mobile phones sold have Bluetooth connectivity. The amount is much improved compared to 2008 where there are only 5 per cent on the market.

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