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Rose as A Symbol of Love

basically this is a rose plant species of the plant genus rosa flower which is a thorny shrub. but because of the shape and color that produced a very beautiful then this plant became one of the plants that have a high value.

for most people in the world rose is also a symbol of love is very romantic, would not be surprised if on the day such as Valentine's Day tertenu very often encountered in the rose. but it turns out that beneath the beauty and fragrance of the roses stored very interesting facts like this.

     A red rose symbolizes love, while pink roses symbolize love very sweet. In addition, white roses symbolize purity.

     It is said that Cleopatra believed roses also use red roses to seduce Mark Anthony. Red roses at that time known as the flower belongs to Venus, Goddess of Love.

     Give a rose to someone means you have fallen in love with her at first sight.

     3 stalks of roses give to someone special that you think is an expression of the feeling that you not only love, but also believe that he is in 3 days of your life, the past, present, and future. In other words, you expect to have future denganny.

     Provide 12 stalks of roses as well as you say "I love you."

     While giving amounted to 108 stalks of roses means "Will you marry me?"

of the above is a very interesting fact about the rose of the ordinary in use as a symbol of love. see description above would not be surprised if the rose is famous as one of the very romantic expression, would be more impressive if giving roses with words of love.

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