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Here's How Halle Berry Uniq Wear Perfume

How to Wear Perfume Strange Halle Berry - Actress Halle Berry engaged to French actor Olivier Martinez, has released five fragrances. He has long loved the various scents of perfume. Not only that, Berry also has a strange way of using fragrances in the body.

If a person usually frequent spraying perfume all over his body, neck and wrists, but Berry is different. He, it has a habit of spraying perfume in between her thighs. This is done, for sure Berry, spraying perfume on the part of the ordinary, be durable long lasting aroma.

As quoted by the website Gossip Artis Indonesia, the woman's 46-year-old beauty told Conan O'Brien, "Do not wear perfume in the palm of the hand. How you wear a fragrance, it should be sprayed between the thighs. The aroma will last throughout the day. And when you hug someone you do not leave marks. That's right. That's how to wear perfume you should be doing, "said Berry.

More recently, Halle Berry has arranged a birthday plans for her daughter Nahla to the theme of My Little Pony. The event will take place in Los Angeles, Saturday, March 16, 2013.

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