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Tips to Remove Acne

Acne commonly appears during puberty, sometimes we get annoyed and feel like to get rid of acne that arise in our face. Sometimes we did not feel confident in public either friends especially my boyfriend because of acne on our faces. If it is so, we in fact often push it push here, he said that acne heal faster. It is precisely such a case make acne worse may even arise again new acne. Well, this time health information will give you tips that may be fairly powerful to eliminate acne.

1. Washing your face two times a day
By washing your face 2 times a day will help you eliminate acne. Washing your face done in the morning and evening using gentle facial cleansing. Acne occurs due to bacteria on the surface of our skin, if left unchecked it will make your face oily causing acne will arise. Try to wash your face when not to rub too much because it will actually increase oil production sobaceous which can cause problems on the skin, rub it slowly and gently.

2. Adjust Your Skin Type with Cosmetics You Use
The use of cosmetics for your skin should really be adjusted, if your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin. Why? If the type of cosmetics you use does not match your skin will cause acne occur. Therefore, adjustment is very important cosmetic use and choose cosmetics that really suitable for your skin.

3. Avoid the Oily Cosmetics
We suggest that as much as possible to avoid oily cosmetics, because oil and dust will be the medium of bacteria that causes acne on your skin.

4. Face dried with a clean towel after washing face or bath
Point one is often neglected, for some reason? Maybe because I was lazy or something, which he explained as I suggest you wash your face to dry with a clean towel. Usually the bacteria that cause acne like moist places.

5. White Water Consumption
By consuming water 2 times a day, the skin will feel healthy and fresh. Because nearly 70% of our skin consists of water.

6. Using Skin Moisturizers
Here is a skin moisturizer moisturizing oily skin open, but cosmetic products that are water. Use to help nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and chapped.

7. Ensure your skin Always Clean Before Sleep
Laziness is a major factor when trying to wash your face before bed, sleepy-ngantuknya especially fitting that we are lazy to wash his face. Try to wash your face before going to sleep so well regenerate the skin.

8. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Expand eat fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin E. Because in vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Thus, our skin will be free of acne.

9. Enough sleep and Disorders
As with us, the skin needs a break. Familiarize ourselves to sleep enough and regularly because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day, the skin will feel fresh and healthy.

That was a few tips to remove acne, follow these tips properly then acne would be difficult to attack us. Hopefully what we give benefits to those who read it. For parents the benefits of coconut water can see also here.

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