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The Reason Why Your boyfriend Angry

Angry and eventually fight with a couple things that have in a relationship. Who does not ever get mad? Almost everyone in this world would ever get angry, and it's really fair, but .. for obvious reasons. But not a bit of attitude that makes others angry or your partner is not comfortable with the attitude that you often do. Like, uncontrollable emotion (cursing), regardless of the context of the problem, the object at issue is not clear, especially when followed by physical movements such as hitting. Angry as it was not a good fit for you, your spouse, and of course your relationship. Angry, does not mean he did not love you or find you are not comfortable with anymore. Is an expression of angry because the person was not agreed to anything, and aggressively delivered. Having a partner with uncontrolled temperament indeed make 'hot', but try it out and be patient. The possibility of your spouse are still too many problems at work or else. Try to solve it in the following ways:

1. Give him time
When your partner starts angry and emotional, give him time to be alone. You also have to hold back, do not be easily provoked to anger anyway. Give him some time, so that the situation was more restrained, and had time to reflect and arrange his emotions back.

2. Reflect yourself
So not only couples that need reflection, you also need to do it. Try for reflection or self-correct, there may be some who do not like your attitude to your partner so that makes him angry.
3. Understand the behavior of the grumpy
Possibility of anger earned by your spouse acquired while in office, street, or any place anywhere. For example, when your partner's office scolded by his superiors because of poor performance. Then upon arrival at home, he revealed to you or the child.

4. Have a chat when conditions are calm
This is a very important thing to be done. Try chatting with conditions slowly when your partner is feeling good and calm. You can figure out the problem and your spouse can give some advice to your partner, but not to offend or to discuss problems that occur. Try consoled him with a humorous attitude and can also chat while telling courting days are beautiful when used.

Anger your partner does not mean your partner's fault entirely, try to think more cool when he's angry. So you do not upset the bandwagon! Good luck :) :)

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