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In This Castle, Ballet Dancing Horse Trained

It was not only the man who followed the ballet school, but the horses were also following the dance program is often done by the French nobility. Schools, commonly called "haute ecole" has been introduced ballet for horses since 300 years ago in England.

In some photos that were displayed on the page Dailymail, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, were two horses breed Andalusia, Spain, named Almonzor and Ocle are being trained for the ballet by the coach, Ben Atkinson (19). Both horses were known to have high intelligence and easy to teach discipline.

The horses look so adept at doing some unusual choreography ranging from kicks, leaps, to prance with a slope of 30-35 degrees using only two legs.

Ballet training for the horse itself is done at Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, England, the same location where the first Duke Newcastle, William Cavendish, introducing ballet is turning into sport called dressage. In the room where trained horses that choice, put a white pole in the middle to make the horse kept running around the room.

Cavendish introduce ballet for horses was 300 years ago in the 17th century. Now dressage has competed up to the Olympic level. In the year 2012 Olympics held in London, UK equestrian team won the gold medal for this dressage class.

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