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Show Off Your Chest Naked Picture On Facebook, Tunisia Girl Being Stoned

 Femen activist, Amina create controversy for uploading nude photos on Facebook. Salafi clerics Tunisia, Natural Adel asked the 19-year-old stoned to death.

"According to religious law, she deserves 80 to 100 lashes. However, what he did more than that. He deserves to be stoned to death, and she had to be quarantined because of what it does can be endemic, "said Alami, told Al Arabiya.

"He was like a person suffering from a serious illness and infectious. He must be ostracized and treated, "he said Alami, was quoted as saying Tunisia AssabahNews origin.

Amina, was a member of the movement and the group Femen and upload photos she was topless while smoking. Not only that, in the chest, there is an inscription in Arabic which means 'My body is mine'.

According to the leader of Femen movement, Inna Shevchenko, revealed that Amina by his parents want to be taken to a mental hospital in Tunisia.

While the media in Tunisia wrote, Amina action could be sentenced to more than two years in prison and a fine of between Rp 500 thousand to Rp 5 million.

Threats terhapat Aminan make 10 thousand people signed a petition calling for anyone who wants to sue threatening Amina.

Femen's Facebook account said to have been hacked, videos and pictures on the Facebook page was reported to have been replaced by the Quranic verses.

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