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cause of eye circles

Some women even men we often encounter have dark circles under the eyes as a vampire hehehe (kidding). Does anyone know the cause? Let's look together. Here's his review.

Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes
1. The aging process. One of the processes of aging is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. For many parents encountered dark circles due to appear due to decreased skin elasticity.
2. Genetic factors. In the advent of genetic dark circles due to heredity.
3. Less nutrients. Vitamin deficiency also affects the appearance of dark circles under the eyes such as lack of vitamin A, C, K and E
4. Often smoking. For those of you smokers who need to know cigarette smoke can weaken the collagen, especially in the bottom of the eye. So avoid smoking
5. Exposure to UV exposure.
6. Often stayed up late one factor that is very influential because of a lack of rest. Fat people have dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep.
That's the latest health information on the causes of dark circles under the eyes. Hopefully this article increase your knowledge.

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