Solution If The Passport is Lost While Abroad

Losing your passport while traveling abroad is not desirable, but there is still a possibility. So, what should you do if you lose the most crucial items when going cross country?

None of the traveler who wants to lose your passport while on holiday abroad. Good because kecopetan, negligence, or less alert. If you experience this, do not panic, there are a few things to do before you go back to Indonesia and take care of a lost passport.

Quoting the website of the Directorate General of Immigration Indonesia,, the first thing to do if you lose your passport abroad is reported to representatives of Indonesia (Embassy / Consulate General) in the country. Parties Embassy will issue travel documents Laksana Passport (SPLP) is functioning as a temporary passport.

To make SPLP, you must meet several requirements demanded by the local Embassy. Among them:

1. The identity card of Indonesia (including ID cards, birth / marriage certificate / card Family)
2. Letter from the loss of the nearest police station
3. A copy / photocopy of passport (if any)
4. SPLP application form completed and signed
5. 2 (two) pieces passport size photographs with light background color
6. Paying the cost of making SPLP, in some countries at U.S. $ 5 (about USD 45,000).

All requirements must be taken to the local Embassy when applying for SPLP. The length of the process depends Embassy in each country, ranging from 1 day to several weeks. If you can not show an identity card, SPLP publishing process will take a long time because checking identity and citizenship status.

If SPLP have been published, you can breathe easier and get back to Indonesia to take care of the loss of your passport at the Immigration Department in your city.

Well, in order to minimize the risk of loss, you'll want to visit to the Embassy upon arrival in the country bersangkutan.Hal is called "Self Report". This is best done when you live in a country of more than 1 week.

By performing Self Report, it will be easier for the Indonesian representative in the country concerned to anticipate things that are not desirable. When a lost passport, for example, the manufacture of SPLP will be faster because the data you have listed there. Including if you are affected, RI representatives will be faster to provide assistance and contact your family in the country.

When doing the Self Report, just show your passport along with 2 pieces passport size photographs with light background color. After that, just fill out and sign the form. Local Embassy officer will affix the stamp on your passport Self Report. You do not have to spend any money to do the Self Report. An easy way to minimize risk is great, is not it?

Farts Smell Apparently Healthy

Nanjing, China, Fart natural gas is released by the body. However, because it is a waste product of the digestive system, which is not pleasant aroma might make people faint. So what happens when a fart should be eaten and the blood pressure-lowering drugs?

In the normal frequency, farting is a healthy thing because it signifies particularly the digestive system to the anus intestinal peristalsis running normally.

Besides indicating a normal digestive system, according to a medical study conducted Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, the hydrogen sulfide contained in the fart has the ability to help reduce blood pressure.

However, researchers are still unsure of the amount needed to get the benefits and whether patients are willing to accept the 'eat fart' as a form of treatment.

Farts smell odors from hydrogen sulfide, a substance that has been proven effective in controlling blood pressure in rats in an experiment at Johns Hopkins University. The results of this study have been published in the journal Science.

"Despite these potential treatments, using gas (flatus) to treat high blood pressure remains to be tested in humans," said Yao Yuyu, a professor of Southeast University, as reported by haohaoreport

One Family Around The World With No Money

imagine traveling the world with your family, by car, for 11 consecutive years. Yes, that was done by the couple from Argentina who has spent more than a decade of driving bring their children around the world without a penny.

By using the classic Graham Paige car output in 1920, Herman and Candelaria Zapp have traveled around the world spanning four continents as far as 231,700 miles without stopping - visiting 44 countries and come to stay at more than 2500 families.
In exploration, the couple brought their child to the 4, Pampa (10), Tehue (7), Paloma (5) and Wallaby (3).

Their journey began from Argentina in 2000 by using the car's 85-year-old. After running out of money, they decided to rely on the good fortune of others. Those fortunate people who give them shelter, food and gasoline.

The pair also wrote a book called 'Spark your Dream' tells the story of their travel experience extraordinary. In the book, they mengucapan thanks to the people who had been kind to them a total of 12,000 people.

They confessed that their longest trip in the country is currently touring the U.S. with lead time of 13 months in 2008-2009.
Interestingly, all four of their children were born in the turns and was born in a different country. Pampa was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, Tehue born in Argentina, while Paloma came from Vancouver Island and wallabies were born in Australia.

"Initially we thought if we have children, we will never be able to travel. So we set a day to go to Alaska and plan for the child and bring them when we get back, "said Zapp.
Foreign can!! (**)

Tips to Remove Acne

Acne commonly appears during puberty, sometimes we get annoyed and feel like to get rid of acne that arise in our face. Sometimes we did not feel confident in public either friends especially my boyfriend because of acne on our faces. If it is so, we in fact often push it push here, he said that acne heal faster. It is precisely such a case make acne worse may even arise again new acne. Well, this time health information will give you tips that may be fairly powerful to eliminate acne.

1. Washing your face two times a day
By washing your face 2 times a day will help you eliminate acne. Washing your face done in the morning and evening using gentle facial cleansing. Acne occurs due to bacteria on the surface of our skin, if left unchecked it will make your face oily causing acne will arise. Try to wash your face when not to rub too much because it will actually increase oil production sobaceous which can cause problems on the skin, rub it slowly and gently.

2. Adjust Your Skin Type with Cosmetics You Use
The use of cosmetics for your skin should really be adjusted, if your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin. Why? If the type of cosmetics you use does not match your skin will cause acne occur. Therefore, adjustment is very important cosmetic use and choose cosmetics that really suitable for your skin.

3. Avoid the Oily Cosmetics
We suggest that as much as possible to avoid oily cosmetics, because oil and dust will be the medium of bacteria that causes acne on your skin.

4. Face dried with a clean towel after washing face or bath
Point one is often neglected, for some reason? Maybe because I was lazy or something, which he explained as I suggest you wash your face to dry with a clean towel. Usually the bacteria that cause acne like moist places.

5. White Water Consumption
By consuming water 2 times a day, the skin will feel healthy and fresh. Because nearly 70% of our skin consists of water.

6. Using Skin Moisturizers
Here is a skin moisturizer moisturizing oily skin open, but cosmetic products that are water. Use to help nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and chapped.

7. Ensure your skin Always Clean Before Sleep
Laziness is a major factor when trying to wash your face before bed, sleepy-ngantuknya especially fitting that we are lazy to wash his face. Try to wash your face before going to sleep so well regenerate the skin.

8. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Expand eat fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin E. Because in vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Thus, our skin will be free of acne.

9. Enough sleep and Disorders
As with us, the skin needs a break. Familiarize ourselves to sleep enough and regularly because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day, the skin will feel fresh and healthy.

That was a few tips to remove acne, follow these tips properly then acne would be difficult to attack us. Hopefully what we give benefits to those who read it. For parents the benefits of coconut water can see also here.

cause of eye circles

Some women even men we often encounter have dark circles under the eyes as a vampire hehehe (kidding). Does anyone know the cause? Let's look together. Here's his review.

Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes
1. The aging process. One of the processes of aging is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. For many parents encountered dark circles due to appear due to decreased skin elasticity.
2. Genetic factors. In the advent of genetic dark circles due to heredity.
3. Less nutrients. Vitamin deficiency also affects the appearance of dark circles under the eyes such as lack of vitamin A, C, K and E
4. Often smoking. For those of you smokers who need to know cigarette smoke can weaken the collagen, especially in the bottom of the eye. So avoid smoking
5. Exposure to UV exposure.
6. Often stayed up late one factor that is very influential because of a lack of rest. Fat people have dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep.
That's the latest health information on the causes of dark circles under the eyes. Hopefully this article increase your knowledge.