Bad Effect From Obesity

after12pm-Anyone might not want to have body fatness / obesity because in addition to reducing self-confidence also need to be aware of a variety of malignancies. some diseases that can be triggered by obesity such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Causes of obesity
There are many ways you can do for your body is not overweight, some of which are exercising regularly, reducing the consumption of fatty and sugary foods, doing the diet and so on. But there are still many who are still overweight.

Factors that obesity causes a wide range, the main causes or triggers scientifically is due to consuming excess calories, more than is needed by the body. Of course there are many other factors that cause obesity are also affected, such as lifestyle, genetic and hormonal factors.

Here are seven bad habits that can trigger / cause of obesity, which is quoted from Quick Easy Fit:

1.consume of simple carbohydrates
To implement the diet program, you may decide to eat low-fat foods slogan or even fat free. However, you should know that such foods replace fat with carbohydrates is simple. Carbohydrates are digested rapidly in the body. So you are not going to be easy to feel satiated and end up eating these foods in excess. Instead of eating a low-fat diet with a slogan you should start eating complex carbohydrates to support your diet program.

2. Not looking for dieticians to guide your diet program
A dietician will guide you properly how to control your diet. He will help you to eat more intelligently. It is true that going to consult a dietician will spend some money, but the advice you get from them is far more valuable because it can be used for the rest of your life. And of course it would be able to assist in implementing a diet program that is much more effective than listening to advice from others who are not particularly expert in the field.

3. Lack of sleep at night
Researchers from Wake Forest claimed that dieters who slept for about five hours or less easier to get fat in the belly. And excessive sleep too less equally adverse effect. Try to sleep for 6 or 7 hours each night.

4. Used to drinking soda
In a study found that drinking one or two cans of soda per day increases your chances to be overweight or obese by 33%. For those who have a thin body probably is not a problem for you, but for those of you that currently have excess weight should immediately eliminate sugary drinks and soda in your daily menu. It is based on a study, "the single most effective target for intervention aimed at reducing obesity is through sugary drinks like soda," said Dr. David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital, as quoted by Medindia
5. Eating in a hurry
Necessary for you to know that it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to your brain that it is eating sufficient amounts. According to a report from the American Dietetic Association (ADA), people who eat fast will consume 66 more calories than those who ate slowly. If you manage not to consume excess calories are in 66 year's time, then you can lose weight more than 20 pounds each year. Therefore try eating by taking small bites and chew more gently, do not rush to swallow.

6. Eat more than they should
Sometimes at the restaurant provides a menu where you eat Jumbo size as a promotion, where you can get a larger share at a price cheaper than the normal price. Maybe it will attract your attention, and you will eventually eat foods with much more than that should be required on the day. Do not compromise on your weight just to save a few cents.

7. Consume less water
According to the University of Utah, by drinking 2 glasses of water before a meal will make lose 30% more weight than people who do not drink the water. German researchers found that drinking six glasses of water helps to increase metabolic rate. This can help reduce 50 calories.

Bad habits that can lead to overweight / obesity / obesity above is necessary to note, that the diet program you do. It becomes more effective.