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Rain Water Really Beneficial to Your Health?

Rain water has a temperature below the average of other freshwater. So that it can make the body shivering, although only exposed to rain a few moments. It could even mengaklibatkan flu, cough, and fever. But even so, the rain turned out to be useful for a few things on the human body. Some of the benefits of rain water for our bodies include:

1. If we eliminate the fishy odor after eating fish or meat, sometimes smells fishy in the palm harder to lose even though we wash hands with soap. Well one of the benefits of rain water is able to eliminate the fishy odor. Try it buddy netter handwashing rain, definitely fishy smell on your fingers will be lost, even without the use of soap

2. Staggering the nervous system of the body like the reflfeksi massage, the basic pattern is Staggering nervous system located under the skin tissue. If we shower of rain for 10 minutes, then the thousands of items of rain would hit us. Blows rain water may be surprised thousands of nervous systems spread throughout the body. Especially when we are riding a motorcycle with an open visor, rain blows in our face will feel harder, it was like an elixir massage can improve blood circulation to the face.

3. Eliminating toxins (toxins) in the body with salt dissolves in fresh rain water, then soak our feet for ± 15 minutes. Perform routine every time it rains. Keep pure rain water is used. What is meant by pure rain water is collected rain water directly on container without passing through other media. Keep container rainwater in the open, so that water from the sky straight into the container shelter, without passing through tiles or gutters. Actually there are many benefits of rain water for our bodies. But since pegel already writing his article, Jadu quite so first article about the benefits of rain water for the body.

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