Continuing On Love, Make Your Couple Proud

Keeping the love in a relationship is sometimes not as easy as people imagine. You need a proper effort to do so.
Is like planting a crop, love also needs a lot of care to be always awake. Especially in long-term relationships. Sometimes, love seemed to be something memorable.
In order to not get stuck in this situation, you need to make more effort. Here are some of them, bleak cited Your Tango.

Make him proud
Men love when he can make you happy. A little smile from you is a reflection that all his efforts succeeded.
In addition, you also need to know when to step back and let a moment. When faced with a complicated issue, criticizing is a thing that is less effective. However, when expressing feelings without blame, it indicates you do not like him cornered.
All you need to do is show her how much it meant as a partner. In addition, keep him honest. He certainly will increasingly seek success in relationships.
Make her feel safe
You also need to make it feel a deep emotional bond, to summon a sense of security in the relationship. Try to better appreciate it, so the relationship will be stronger.

Lessons Learned Men Before Marriage

UNDERGOING domestic life is not easy. Often, small things can also trigger a more intense fights.

For example, the habit of a man who is difficult to change. To that end, it could not hurt to teach a few things before you actually go through life marriage. Here's a tip interesting, as quoted Boldsky.

Let him pay the bills

After marriage, the husband of course, will be responsible for the financial problems the family. So, it could not hurt to let him pay your bills.

family gathering

Of course already accustomed to come hang out with your family. Start with the simple things, such as inviting dinner once a week.

friends shopping

Generally men like lazy to shop. So before marriage, it could not hurt to invite couples shop that he understands what is normally needed by you or a family someday.

Accompany to doctor

When health checks, it is better to invite as well as couples. Moreover, after marriage, he will also do more of it. So this will be a learning activity to accompany his wife or later.


The most frequent problem is women do not accept the messy habits and any man who put his stuff. Therefore, it is better to practice maintaining tidiness and cleanliness. For example, ask him to tidy his room or in the

When this result Declining Testosterone

Hormone testosterone is commonly found in men. But in fact, this hormone is also needed on women as one of sexual hormones.

In women, testosterone serves as one of the hormones that increase sexual desire, as well as the hormone responsible for bone growth. In addition, testosterone in women can reduce vasomotor symptoms, vaginal dryness and atrophy, as reported by e How.

Testosterone deficiency in women can cause decreased sexual desire, lack of fantasy, the loss of sensitivity to stimulation, and orgasm difficulties.

There are several factors that cause a decrease in testosterone in women, such as menopause, hysterectomy or childbirth even sometimes the cause is unknown.

Many doctors treat low testosterone using shots or pills. The side effects can indeed make a sound in, enlarged clitoris, and hair growth on the face and body. Appropriate treatment is necessary so that side effects can be reduced.

Great Ways to Stop bickering couples

ARE you getting bored because of a fight that never ended? Perhaps this is the case, because you both do not want to hear each other.

In any relationship, the problem is a very reasonable thing present in it. What distinguishes, is how one deals with such problems. When you and your partner are big fight for one simple reason, then there needs to be repaired.

Here are three steps to stop squabbling Hebar, as reported by Women Health Mag.

Use the ears, not the mouth

If you are starting to sound bleak tape continues to spin, try to push the 'pause'. "Research shows that couples are not happy, are equally likely to be heard. They end up just talking in the absence of a dialogue," said Benjamin Karney, PhD. vice chairman of the Relationship Institute at the University of California, in Los Angeles.

Do not be private

A heated argument, sometimes common sense was forgotten. This time, harsh words came out, and makes the heart sick. According to a research, the human brain has a "negativity bias," which makes people more responsive to bad news. Therefore, try to minimize the negative effects of what you say. Remember, if the purpose of the discussion is to solve problems, not to hurt one another.

Mutual cease to be selfish

"People sometimes insist on looking for who is right, but this would keep him away from the exit," Karney said. Problems will be quickly completed, if no one has felt the need to say that he was right or wrong.