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11 Unique Facts of Women


"Women are the most beautiful of God's creatures." Maybe it's in the minds of many men. Yes, of course all men think women are beautiful creatures, gentle, and attractive. However, do you know the other women who had never ditampakkannya in men?
Women are different from men. Sometimes they were thinking the same thing did not occur to him. Here are some unique and weird facts about women, as reported by the Times of India (28/09).
1. Women always carry a handbag
Men should pay attention to this. Most women feel awkward when they do not carry anything in their hands.
2. Women are often confused with clothes
Although he had bought all the clothes she wants, she is often confused when it comes to choosing clothes to wear. Suddenly the contents of their closet to be not good enough, and they need more clothes shopping.
3. Women also often did not shower
Although more famous women mania cleanliness than men, in fact, some women also dirty. Some even rely on infrequent bathing and perfume to make them smell good body.
4. Eat a lot
When in front of men, women usually only eat a little. But wait until she was alone. He could spend a lot of food at once devoured.
5. After making love, she still likes to 'play'
When the men were exhausted and prefers to sleep after sex, women prefer talking, playing around and kissing her partner. For a good and goes well, he should know this.
6. Women concerned with her appearance when sex
Women are not confident with their bodies when naked during sexual intercourse.
7. Women love to bargain
Although the price is very cheap, it is not afdhol for women if they do not bid until satisfied.
8. Chocolate than sex
If you had to choose, about 70 percent of women prefer chocolate than have sex.
9. The same clothes
The women do not like it when they see another woman wearing the same clothes they are wearing or their own.
10. Mature faster
Both biologically and psychologically, women mature faster than men.
11. Time in front of the mirror
If allowed, she could spend a day just sitting in front of the mirror for makeup and see her.
Those are some unique facts about women. How, nothing else to add other than the fact of the above?

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