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This is the cause of kristen stewart a Lesbian

Cause Life Mother Kristen Stewart Lesbian? - Robert Pattinson back 'wrath' on Kristen Stewart. After the affair that made him slumped Stewart, Stewart is now re-make Rob maintain a distance with him. Proximity Stewart's assistant Katy Perry, Rob Tamra Natisin make him uncomfortable.

"Rob was angry when he saw the photo with the Christian and Tamra. Their relationship is very suspicious. It was clear to all Christian friends and Tamra that there was a romance between the two of them, "the source told Gossip Artis Indonesia.

Christian became interested Tamra when met at Hollywood's Hotel Cafe on March 3. Both of them hit it off and look a few times to spend time with. The closeness is what makes Christianity as a lesbian.

Stewart a lesbian romance changes associated with her ​​mother's life, Jule Stewart. Since the divorce with his father, his mother living with same-sex couples. Conditions that make a comfortable Christian mengekspolarasi his sexual life.

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