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Farts Smell Apparently Healthy

Nanjing, China, Fart natural gas is released by the body. However, because it is a waste product of the digestive system, which is not pleasant aroma might make people faint. So what happens when a fart should be eaten and the blood pressure-lowering drugs?

In the normal frequency, farting is a healthy thing because it signifies particularly the digestive system to the anus intestinal peristalsis running normally.

Besides indicating a normal digestive system, according to a medical study conducted Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, the hydrogen sulfide contained in the fart has the ability to help reduce blood pressure.

However, researchers are still unsure of the amount needed to get the benefits and whether patients are willing to accept the 'eat fart' as a form of treatment.

Farts smell odors from hydrogen sulfide, a substance that has been proven effective in controlling blood pressure in rats in an experiment at Johns Hopkins University. The results of this study have been published in the journal Science.

"Despite these potential treatments, using gas (flatus) to treat high blood pressure remains to be tested in humans," said Yao Yuyu, a professor of Southeast University, as reported by haohaoreport

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