Person Case At Motorists GoJek Police, Official Description Now

Video beating of motorcycle taxi riders by Traffic Police officers who lasted 5 seconds circulating in social media and Youtube. Events. This is confirmed Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner Mohammad Iqbal.
"It happened yesterday. The location in the southern region, precisely in Gaplek, pamulang," Iqbal said through a written statement, 01/20/2016.
The events began when seven riders Go-Jek passing convoy of Pamulang direction towards Parung, Bogor, West Java. One such driver police ticketed for violating Article 293 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 107 paragraph (2) of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning the obligation to turn the lights on motorcycles during the day.
Said Iqbal, the police ticketed drivers who admitted his guilt. But that did not receive the above penilangan precisely GoJek other riders with said some disrespectful to the officer.
"A friend GoJek not receive while uttering disrespectful words to the officer. The officer did not accept that perform actions such as in the video (the beating, ed)," he explained.
Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Risyafudin and his staff are coordinating with representatives GoJek to curb these problems.
"The traffic police officer (the alleged beating, red) will be examined by Propam," he concluded.
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Known, in the show, looks a driver GoJek surrounded by a number of traffic police officers. They are seen clashing arguments. One officer seen hitting and pushing the rider motorcycle online. While the other officers opened his uniform and advanced riders lead to GoJek.