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One Family Around The World With No Money

imagine traveling the world with your family, by car, for 11 consecutive years. Yes, that was done by the couple from Argentina who has spent more than a decade of driving bring their children around the world without a penny.

By using the classic Graham Paige car output in 1920, Herman and Candelaria Zapp have traveled around the world spanning four continents as far as 231,700 miles without stopping - visiting 44 countries and come to stay at more than 2500 families.
In exploration, the couple brought their child to the 4, Pampa (10), Tehue (7), Paloma (5) and Wallaby (3).

Their journey began from Argentina in 2000 by using the car's 85-year-old. After running out of money, they decided to rely on the good fortune of others. Those fortunate people who give them shelter, food and gasoline.

The pair also wrote a book called 'Spark your Dream' tells the story of their travel experience extraordinary. In the book, they mengucapan thanks to the people who had been kind to them a total of 12,000 people.

They confessed that their longest trip in the country is currently touring the U.S. with lead time of 13 months in 2008-2009.
Interestingly, all four of their children were born in the turns and was born in a different country. Pampa was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, Tehue born in Argentina, while Paloma came from Vancouver Island and wallabies were born in Australia.

"Initially we thought if we have children, we will never be able to travel. So we set a day to go to Alaska and plan for the child and bring them when we get back, "said Zapp.
Foreign can!! (**)

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