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Recognize the Symptoms of Hepatitis B


Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) B is a disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver that in a minority of cases may progress to sirosi liver or liver cancer. Hepatitis B Hepatitis is a disease that most often the case that ordinary people rarely known, but the virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids, it can happen on the circumstances;

* Direct contact of blood with blood
* The relationship of unsafe sexual
* The use of unsterilized needles
* An infected needle stick
* Contaminated needles used to make tattoos, acupuncture, body piercing
* At the time of pregnancy - maternal-fetal transmission of the birthing process
* Use a razor with
* Blood transfusion

Symptoms and Signs

The incubation period before the onset of clinical symptoms VHB approximately between 6 weeks to 6 months, but nearly a third of cases of people with no symptoms at all. The rest of HBV infection can cause symptoms such as flu, along with body weakness and pains, headache, fever, decreased appetite, diarrhea, jaundice (yellow), nausea and vomiting. Symptoms can become heavy and last for months coupled with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and jaundice. Jaundice occurs in liver disease due to hepatitis can not remove bilirubin in the blood. So it can change the color of the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow.


Most people with hepatitis B do not require specific treatment other than rest and they will recover fully. If HBV infection persists for more than 6 months (chronic hepatitis infection), can be given antiviral drugs called alpha interveron. Treatment aims to reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer


Hepatitis B is included in the hazardous agent in health workers, police, and services kegawat daruratan. So these workers must be careful in doing his job. There is an effective hepatitis B vaccine to protect people from infection with HBV. Family and other household members of people with hepatitis B should be in vaccines against hepatitis B. These are the people who need to be vaccinated;

* Family and other household members of patients
* People who are in work exposed to body fluids (c /: health workers)
* People who travel to endemic countries
* Babies born to infected mothers
* Users of drugs
* People who are having unsafe sex
* Prisoners

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