The Cause Of A slow Computer Performance

Computer slow, often hangs, suddenly died, and so it is very disturbing when we're operating a computer to move. Sometimes we do not know what causes it, and tend to leave it alone. In this article I will discuss the causes of a slow computer and common error.

Slow Computer.

Being a Slow Computer Causes:

1. Too many programs or software that is installed on your computer.

Without you knowing the number of programs installed on your computer will degrade the performance of your computer, it is usually due to lack of storage capacity on a computer for a variety of programs you have installed on your computer.

2. The cause of the latter is the presence of viruses, spyware, and malware that are on your computer.

When computers are infected by a virus or malware or spyware will bring bad effects on your windows defense systems. If you let the virus will be rampant and spread on your operating system.

3. System Files Missing or Corrupt.

At this point usually occurred when your computer has been infected by a virus and spread. Because when you clean virus in your computer with antivirus detected virus files accidentally deleted by the antivirus.

4. The capacity of RAM (Random Access Memory) is less.

RAM capacity is generally greatly affect how quickly a computer, because the RAM is the primary storage media when the computer is switched on. When you install the program on your computer exceeds the RAM capacity can make sure your computer will experience decreased performance or later.

Slow Computer

5. Hard drive does not support.

Hard drive is a storage medium as RAM, will also greatly affect the performance of your computer. When you have low disk space, error, fragmented, and so will make your computer's performance decreases.

6. The components contained in the CPU Overheat.

This situation often occurs when you rarely check and clean your hardware which includes the hard drive, VGA Cards, Processors, Power Supply, and others. The slow computer can also occur due to dust or dirt on your components, resulting in overheating your hardware.

7. Security Program too much on your computer.

Antivirus programs, firewalls, etc. is one of the security program, it is in need of a computer program like this. However, most people do not realize to instal of the antivirus and firewall programs more than 2 or 3 courses. This will cause a slow response to the defense system of your computer because they will run simultaneously.

With a little knowledge about the causes of a slow computer in the hope to add your insights in the world of technology especially in the field of computers.

The Role of Education

Education Articles is an article that provides information on education, both formal and non-formal. Just to remind you of the following I describe education about the philosophy of education and educational functions.

philosophy of Education
Education can be started before the baby is born as many people do with playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he can teach their baby before birth.

For some, the experience of daily life more meaningful than formal education. Family members have a profound teaching role, often more profound than they realize, even though teaching family members running unofficially.

functions of Education
According to Horton and Hunt, educational institutions relating to real functions (manifest). Preparing society members for a living, latent functions as a container educational institutions, through schooling parents delegate duties and responsibilities in educating children to school.

Schools have the potential to instill the value of dissent in society. This is reflected by Danya differences between schools and the community about things such as sex education and open attitude.

Education schools are expected to socialize to their students to accept differences in prestige, privilege, and status in society. Selecting and teaches social role.

Currently Not In accordance with the Dream Reality

Written by Anne Ahira


Many people feel frustrated because they do not correspond with the reality of dreams. For example, there is a child who wants to attend the University of A, but I did not charge enough. Alternatively, those who migrated to the big city, dreamed of getting national and even international-class jobs, but in fact obtained only a mediocre job and what they are. There is also a businessman, who may be expecting a profit jumps 10 times, even bankruptcy. What we expect, sometimes it does not correspond to reality. So what should we do? Here are 3 steps or tips that can mate do when dreams do not correspond to reality:
1. Always act in a flexible and dynamic
If my friend really want to succeed, it is necessary * readiness * to be able to act in a flexible and dynamic to any changes that occur. Now, I will make a simple analogy ... When there is a hurricane or a major hurricane, it is not rare to see a tree that has a very large fallen trunks! What for? Because they are not strong enough to bear the load received. But try bamboo behold! Due to the flexible stem, the bamboo can flexibly move in any direction, and rarely fall! Well, so anything with us! If we act and think dynamic and flexible, then we will be more resilient in the face of challenges and changes and problems that come up.

2. Think that THIS is the best for us!
When reality does not match the dream, believe that this is the best for us. We never know the scenarios that have been established. Because, according to the logic of everything that we are good, it could be just the opposite in the eyes of God! Think always positive for anything that happened to my friend. Do not let one failure makes buddy disappointed, much less frustrating and protracted. Buddy knows what I do if there is a dream or my desire not accomplished? I used to say:

"Come Ahira, you will not have to be disappointed, do not ask me why, it is GOOD for you! Now you listen carefully, God will replace it with THE BETTER! God who knows you well and wise people. Your life is filled with abundance , and you were born For pobud be a winner! "

I used to say it in front of a mirror with confidence, certainly when I was alone! hehe ... It works for me! :-) Buddy also may try later. What I did on top of that is the 'affirmation'. Affirmations are positive words spoken over and over again and is believed to form a positive image to reduce the negative attitudes in ourselves. Words of affirmation can we make / design their own, and then can be spoken verbally or silently. According to experts Hynotherapy, affirmation will be 'captured' by our subconscious. And when repeatedly spoken and with confidence, then we ARE or WILL be like it is, we say! In other words, affirmations are like prayers. Okay, now the next! Although at this time what we expect is not in accordance with the dreams, but we must ....

3. Stay Prepare MENTAL WINNER!
When we fail, it's better than blaming fate self introspection. Who knows, we are not ready to be a winner! :-) It could be that success will only make us proud, and because so unfortunately God gives us, He does not want His servants to sin. :-) Dude, every win is better than any sweat pioneered us! It would be better if we get the victory step by step. Many successful people, but then they fell. There are up again, there is not. Twists every human life is not the same. But remember, a chance to win it is always open to anyone, without exception! Fortune and victory indeed for multitude of God, many still hanging in the sky! :-) Now just how buddy! Is willing to grab it? or expect down by itself? I suggest, do not ever choose the latter :-) We all know that the name victory was often owned by those who ... ill never stop trying!

Tomato Juice Benefits Classified

There was also an option to remove the fresh and delicious thirst thirst in doing busy work activities required by the human body.

Tomato Juice Benefits Classifieds

In the tomato fruit contains nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which in one glass of tomato juice is very influential on improving endurance, especially for health. Good tomatoes are tomatoes that are still fresh and freshly plucked from the tree, so that the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are still many.

Tujuann we drink tomato juice tomato juice is that the properties could be more favorable survival of the human body in the face of a variety of diseases that always threatens health in every day and even every moment is when we breathe.

In the raw tomato juice nutritious blood circulation and prevent cancer because there is an anti-oxidant lycopene. It also prevents prostate cancer. Savor the other is the ability to control the stability of blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

For those of you who have high blood pressure, it is not advisable to consume excess tomato juice. Because tomatoes contain lots of salt minerals that are not suitable for people affected by hypertension.

Tomato called love apples for French society, because the mineral potassium in tomatoes increases stamina and refresh the body by the action of an exhaustive body of work. Not just the stamina to work, but also maintain the quality of passion for men.

Nutrients in tomatoes will be able to increase endurance well. So the therapy consumed tomato juice regularly, will speed healing health after waking up from the pain.

Drink tomato juice is very useful to keep your digestive system and increase appetite. Vitamin C in tomatoes are processed into juices will enhance the ability of the body's immunity to keep the spirit and healthy in all situations encountered in the work and activities each day (for the busy).

By drinking tomato juice can increase appetite, but the ideal level so that the body does not become fat. Tomato juice is able to maintain ideal body weight because it only has 50 calories per 250 ml.

Savor tomato juice if consumed regularly and clean can help cure the disease anorexia, in which a person loses his appetite. Processed tomatoes and spinach that was served in the form of juice drinks to function smooth bowel movement, or known as constipation.

Liver function is very important in maintaining stamina and health of the human body. Tomato juice is beneficial to increase the levels of glycogen in the human liver. Then the liver will remain stable and healthy when you have to keep working hard.

In addition, fruit drinks tomato juice increases the bile of human health care. Bioflavonoids in processed tomato fruit drinks increases defense capillaries. And so help avoid leakage of blood vessels.

Choose Tomato Juice Drinks For tebaik

Heat thirst while working to make the throat feel dry and thirsty. Keep raw tomato juice to quench your thirst, because the tomato juice does not cause negative side effects for the body when consumed in large quantities.

Try using a healthy drink as a good lifestyle and natural. Tomato juice will taste different with a unique taste sensation and fresh when made with a blend of cucumber, lemon, and carrot, apple.

Choose the best tomatoes into tomato juice that is rich in nutrients and vitamins in the best beverage list, because the benefits of tomato juice is needed by the body's health. Start a healthy lifestyle with tomato juice and you will always fit. Good luck, hopefully you healthy always.

Rain Water Really Beneficial to Your Health?

Rain water has a temperature below the average of other freshwater. So that it can make the body shivering, although only exposed to rain a few moments. It could even mengaklibatkan flu, cough, and fever. But even so, the rain turned out to be useful for a few things on the human body. Some of the benefits of rain water for our bodies include:

1. If we eliminate the fishy odor after eating fish or meat, sometimes smells fishy in the palm harder to lose even though we wash hands with soap. Well one of the benefits of rain water is able to eliminate the fishy odor. Try it buddy netter handwashing rain, definitely fishy smell on your fingers will be lost, even without the use of soap

2. Staggering the nervous system of the body like the reflfeksi massage, the basic pattern is Staggering nervous system located under the skin tissue. If we shower of rain for 10 minutes, then the thousands of items of rain would hit us. Blows rain water may be surprised thousands of nervous systems spread throughout the body. Especially when we are riding a motorcycle with an open visor, rain blows in our face will feel harder, it was like an elixir massage can improve blood circulation to the face.

3. Eliminating toxins (toxins) in the body with salt dissolves in fresh rain water, then soak our feet for ± 15 minutes. Perform routine every time it rains. Keep pure rain water is used. What is meant by pure rain water is collected rain water directly on container without passing through other media. Keep container rainwater in the open, so that water from the sky straight into the container shelter, without passing through tiles or gutters. Actually there are many benefits of rain water for our bodies. But since pegel already writing his article, Jadu quite so first article about the benefits of rain water for the body.

Tips To Avoid Of Hepatitis B Virus

Viral hepatitis has diverse meanings and meaning in general is an interference with the function of the heart or it can also be called a disorder and inflammation of the liver cells. Definition of hepatitis can also be defined as inflammation of the liver caused by a wide - variety of causes. Hepatitis can be transmitted also by an infection called "Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 'and a virus called' monoknukleosis infectious'. The type of hepatitis caused by a virus or not of non-viral is because someone likes to consume alcohol and drugs.

The organs most affected the course of hepatitis liver. In fact there are several hepatitis viruses that can damage the liver function that can cause death.

Of the many causes of hepatitis, viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E) are the most commonly found.

Here are some tips you can do to prevent contracting hepatitis virus.

1. Vaccination
Currently available vaccines for hepatitis A and B viruses were shown to be very effective. Gift can be a single or a combination of both. Unfortunately the vaccine for hepatitis C has not been found.

2. Wash your hands
Try hand washing especially after using the restroom and before preparing / handling food. Wash hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizers can also.

3. Stay away from other people's blood
No one knows if someone is suffering from hepatitis patients themselves do not even know it. Because most of the patients did not complain of symptoms of hepatitis meaningful.

Consequently, we must always protect themselves from contact with blood of others, especially for those working in health facilities.

If there is blood contact, wash with soap as soon as possible.

4. Be careful with the needle
Very likely we are exposed to hepatitis from needles used to make tattoo or piercing. So, make sure the needles used for the action really sterile and people who do tattoo is a professional.

5. Know when to exchange something
Exchange exchange toys, office equipment and vehicles was common and safe, otherwise be unsafe if we exchange exchange toothbrushes, razors, nail clippers and other personal devices. Of course, these include syringes and medical equipment devices.

6 Do safe sex
There are 3 types of viral hepatitis are transmitted through sexual contact. Thus, it is important to know your medical history close friends. Remember to always use a condom unless you are sure you were not infected with hepatitis.

7. Watch what you eat and drink
While at home you are very concerned about hygiene when preparing food, but you can not know what and how food is prepared when you buy it outside the house.

Be careful in selecting and sorting the food, especially food that is consumed directly.

Recognize the Symptoms of Hepatitis B


Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) B is a disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver that in a minority of cases may progress to sirosi liver or liver cancer. Hepatitis B Hepatitis is a disease that most often the case that ordinary people rarely known, but the virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids, it can happen on the circumstances;

* Direct contact of blood with blood
* The relationship of unsafe sexual
* The use of unsterilized needles
* An infected needle stick
* Contaminated needles used to make tattoos, acupuncture, body piercing
* At the time of pregnancy - maternal-fetal transmission of the birthing process
* Use a razor with
* Blood transfusion

Symptoms and Signs

The incubation period before the onset of clinical symptoms VHB approximately between 6 weeks to 6 months, but nearly a third of cases of people with no symptoms at all. The rest of HBV infection can cause symptoms such as flu, along with body weakness and pains, headache, fever, decreased appetite, diarrhea, jaundice (yellow), nausea and vomiting. Symptoms can become heavy and last for months coupled with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and jaundice. Jaundice occurs in liver disease due to hepatitis can not remove bilirubin in the blood. So it can change the color of the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow.


Most people with hepatitis B do not require specific treatment other than rest and they will recover fully. If HBV infection persists for more than 6 months (chronic hepatitis infection), can be given antiviral drugs called alpha interveron. Treatment aims to reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer


Hepatitis B is included in the hazardous agent in health workers, police, and services kegawat daruratan. So these workers must be careful in doing his job. There is an effective hepatitis B vaccine to protect people from infection with HBV. Family and other household members of people with hepatitis B should be in vaccines against hepatitis B. These are the people who need to be vaccinated;

* Family and other household members of patients
* People who are in work exposed to body fluids (c /: health workers)
* People who travel to endemic countries
* Babies born to infected mothers
* Users of drugs
* People who are having unsafe sex
* Prisoners

Symptoms Stress

Is your hair falling out excessively in recent weeks? Look back what happened to you. Is the deadline for the job could be on vacation in peace so you depressed? Or the demands of the new school year ahead "sweat" you?

Hair loss, according to a health site, is one of the signs of stress you. Stress, says the site, appeared in a variety of symptoms. In fact, they write, those who do often do not realize he was being under stress.

This site revealed a number of suspicious physical signs as a sign you suffer from serious stress. If you experience two or more of the following symptoms, you are advised to get expert help as soon as possible:

In his latest book, On the Brink, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, said severe stress during the height of the financial crisis in 2008. He admitted often nausea. He often experience these symptoms even before the staff even when meeting with the Congress. Medically, stress and anxiety can lead to nausea to vomiting and a condition called "cyclic vomiting syndrome" a condition in which people experience nausea and vomiting during the period of time, starting at the same time every day. Find ways to calm down or eliminate the source of your stress, such as meditation practice and try to be more calm.

Hair loss
There are several reasons that your hair may fall out, from genetics to drug effect. However, stress is one of them. Among the conditions associated with stress to result in hair loss is alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder when white blood cells attack the hair follicles, causing hair loss. Another condition triggered by stress that have more extreme results is called telogen effluvium which is basically characterized by a sudden loss (up 70 percent) hair. Hair loss can occur months after a stressful event, for example, a death in the family or childbirth, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. However, the loss will usually recover quickly after the stress passes.

There is some debate as to whether nosebleeds are triggered by stress, but research has shown that, in some cases, patients who experienced bleeding in the situation they are experiencing stress. An article in 2001 in the British Medical Journal showed that the gal is related to blood pressure spikes are very common when you're stressed. Get out while the frenzied activity of your routine, relax, and brewing herbal drinks can be a little help.

Loss of memory
If you find yourself not able to remember the details just discussed in the meeting a few minutes ago, it could be the effect of your hippocampus shrinks, says Jeffrey Rossman, PhD, a psychologist in Massachusetts. Chronic stress can expose the hippocampus, the brain region that controls your short-term memory, to excessive levels and can inhibit the ability of your brain to remember things. Dealing with the root cause of your stress is the best way to get your memory back.

Weakened immune
The most noticeable effect that stress is attacking your immune system is weak. It happens due to several reasons. First, stress triggers the release of catecholemines, a hormone that helps regulate the immune system. Prolonged release of these hormones can interfere with their ability to withstand the onslaught of the disease. Second, says Rossman, stress shrinks the thymus gland, pressing the white blood cells, and damaged telomeres, genes that help the immune cells to reproduce.

Excessive sweating
Everyone knows that the body sweat more when you are stressed. Some people who experience stress or suffer from hyperhidrosis sweat excessively, especially on the palms of the hands and feet, says Rossman. Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress-related sweating.