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Go-jek's Success To Decrease A Number of Jobless

Red and White Flag (Indonesia), Business-Go-Jek presence could reduce unemployment in times of crisis such as now. The workers were initially in the formal sector to the informal sector shifted into Go-Jek rider.

The rupiah against the US dollar (US) continues to weaken prompting a number of industries to take steps Termination (PHK). In addition, the economic pressure due to rising prices encourage formal sector workers taking part-time jobs that can generate additional revenue.

The presence of PT Go-Jek Indonesia, a company based application to a motorcycle, be a solution to people who are not working or who suffered the fate of layoffs.

"The victims of layoffs generally occurs in the formal sector. And they run into the informal sector, such as the Go-Jek. Indirectly absorb layoffs to work there," said Deputy Distribution and Service Statistics, Sasmito Hadi Wibowo, at the House of BPS, Jakarta, Monday (14/9). According Sasmito, Gojek presence will have an impact on the presence of new entrepreneurs who can create new jobs.

Unfortunately, BPS not have any data of workers in the informal sector, such as the Go-Jek. National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has several times suggested BPS special record this informal sector.

BPS call Go-Jek is a creative informal sector. This effort should be supported because it can boost economic growth. (M. Rijal)

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