Gojek Left One Founder

One of the founders (co-founder) Go-Jek Michaelangelo Moran or who nicknamed Mikey Moran resigned from the startup of the online transport service providers.

Moran's resignation announcement was made through his personal Facebook account, on Tuesday (18/10/2016) afternoon.

"Its been such an amazing 6 year journey, but with a sad and heavy heart, my time in GO-JEK has come to an end," Moran written.

"I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way, inside and outside of the company," he said

Mikey along with Nadiem Makarim establish Gojek in 2010. Together they pioneered Go-Jek from zero up to now the company has received a cash injection of up to trillions of rupiah.

Mikey pullback from Gojek claims to be a difficult choice, but he believes Go-Jek will continue to expand in the hands of officials and employees.

Not yet known where Mikey will be anchored next. He also said it would continue to give its support to the Go-Jek.

KompasTekno've attempted to contact a spokesman for Go-Jek Rindu Ragilia to confirm this news, but have not gotten an answer.

Update: The Go-Jek Mikey justify departure from the Go-Jek. CEO of Go-Jek also provide feedback and mention the chosen career after leaving Mikey Go-Jek. More read in Nadiem Makarim Sad Left Co-Founder Fellow Go-Jek.

Mikey is not the only important Go-Jek people who leave within one month. Previously, Go-Jek also left behind by the Vice President of Technology Product Go-Jek, Alamanda Shantika Santoso.

Ala, her nickname, left his position in Go-Jek in early October.

Go-Jek is also under pressure from the driver demanding a change in the calculation of the performance of the implemented system.

Last week, mobs of Go-Jek drivers rallied in front of the headquarters of Go-Jek demand change calculation performance.

Person Case At Motorists GoJek Police, Official Description Now

Video beating of motorcycle taxi riders by Traffic Police officers who lasted 5 seconds circulating in social media and Youtube. Events. This is confirmed Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner Mohammad Iqbal.
"It happened yesterday. The location in the southern region, precisely in Gaplek, pamulang," Iqbal said through a written statement, 01/20/2016.
The events began when seven riders Go-Jek passing convoy of Pamulang direction towards Parung, Bogor, West Java. One such driver police ticketed for violating Article 293 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 107 paragraph (2) of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning the obligation to turn the lights on motorcycles during the day.
Said Iqbal, the police ticketed drivers who admitted his guilt. But that did not receive the above penilangan precisely GoJek other riders with said some disrespectful to the officer.
"A friend GoJek not receive while uttering disrespectful words to the officer. The officer did not accept that perform actions such as in the video (the beating, ed)," he explained.
Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Risyafudin and his staff are coordinating with representatives GoJek to curb these problems.
"The traffic police officer (the alleged beating, red) will be examined by Propam," he concluded.
READ: Boys Hurricane by Person Police Response Leaders Look GoJek
Known, in the show, looks a driver GoJek surrounded by a number of traffic police officers. They are seen clashing arguments. One officer seen hitting and pushing the rider motorcycle online. While the other officers opened his uniform and advanced riders lead to GoJek.

Technology Makes It As Whale Jumping Out of Basketball

In today's super-sophisticated technologies have made it easier for the human life. In fact, the sophistication of the human can be made disturbe and do not believe.

For example, such technology in the following video. Using special effects, the audience seemed to see a whale jumping out of the basketball court.

Like the scene in the ocean, whale suddenly surfaced. Then he jumped into the air and then again with the beauty of diving.

Technology is also equipped with sound and splash water as the original. Many netizens were amazed to see it.

"Strange, but it is very cool. I want to see it immediately," wrote one netizen. "It's a technology that is very beautiful, incredible," added another.

Vladimir Putin Perfume For Sale At The Price 1.3 Million In Rupiah, Interested?

Vladimir Putin is one of the most influential figures in the world. The Russian President also particularly idolized by many people.

In fact, Vladimir Putin became the inspiration for Vladislav Rekunov to make a recent innovation. Rekunov make a perfume named "Number One Leader".

He also explained that if the perfume is made with a very unique and special. Start of packing up the scent is made in accordance with the figure of the president.

"It is designed with a warm, calm and unite," said Rekunov. "Fragrance was very nice and not aggressive scent."

This perfume is made from a variety of scents such as lemon, black currant and cedar. Packed with the very elegant, unique perfume is sold at a price of USD 95 or approximately USD 1.3 million.

"Number One Leader" has begun to circulate in Russia, especially in Moscow. Approximately interested?

Testimonials Founder Gojek

Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a high level of activity. Almost all roads in Jakarta hit a standstill, especially dijam to and from work. This is certainly very disturbing and makes it less convenient for residents when going to perform the activity. Public transportation is provided by the government seems to be still insufficient to reduce congestion in Jakarta.

Many people who choose to use gojek to avoid traffic jams. This makes Nadiem Makariem to set up a taxi company with the online system. The company named Go-Jek or better known as Gojek.
Nadiem not live in the family background of the entrepreneur, his parents came from cities in Central Java. His father was a lawyer, and his mother worked in the field of non-profit. In his family, only Nadiem the plunge into an entrepreneur.

Gojek founder's story started since high school, Nadiem moved to Singapore to school. Then he continued in the United States to major in International Relations at Brown University. After that, Nadiem continue its S2 level at Harvard Business School and holds a Master of Business Administrator.

Early establishment of Gojek

As motorcycle users in Jakarta, Nadiem see many motorcycle taxi drivers who actually spent time in the base to wait for passengers. This is certainly less effective and efficient, so Nadiem Gojek founded in 2011. The area includes Jabodetabek Gojek operation, and the most in the South and Central Jakarta. Until now, this standard enterprise already has more than 3000 pengojek working.
Besides helping to avoid traffic jams, Gojek also use the system by means of online orders.

This makes Gojek more attractive because it can be ordered via the application on the smartphone.

Another thing that makes us uncomfortable is that we ride a motorcycle taxi has a GPS, which makes us safer as a user. As founder Gojek, Nadiem apply to passenger fares according to mileage. Then the method of payment through credit.

Go-jek's Success To Decrease A Number of Jobless

Red and White Flag (Indonesia), Business-Go-Jek presence could reduce unemployment in times of crisis such as now. The workers were initially in the formal sector to the informal sector shifted into Go-Jek rider.

The rupiah against the US dollar (US) continues to weaken prompting a number of industries to take steps Termination (PHK). In addition, the economic pressure due to rising prices encourage formal sector workers taking part-time jobs that can generate additional revenue.

The presence of PT Go-Jek Indonesia, a company based application to a motorcycle, be a solution to people who are not working or who suffered the fate of layoffs.

"The victims of layoffs generally occurs in the formal sector. And they run into the informal sector, such as the Go-Jek. Indirectly absorb layoffs to work there," said Deputy Distribution and Service Statistics, Sasmito Hadi Wibowo, at the House of BPS, Jakarta, Monday (14/9). According Sasmito, Gojek presence will have an impact on the presence of new entrepreneurs who can create new jobs.

Unfortunately, BPS not have any data of workers in the informal sector, such as the Go-Jek. National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has several times suggested BPS special record this informal sector.

BPS call Go-Jek is a creative informal sector. This effort should be supported because it can boost economic growth. (M. Rijal)