Anti Lost Shoes for Alzheimer's Patients

For people with Alzheimer's disease can be a little merry article of researchers succeeded in creating a smart shoe that can record a wearer's trail. This shoe is designed specifically for people with the disease are often lost and forgotten forgotten the way home.

This shoe uses GPS technology that directly connects users to record every step and will form a path that has been passed. Company called GTX shoe creation named it as 'Smart Soles'.

These shoes are priced at USD299 with an extra cost service package track record. The package ranges from $ 20 to $ 40 for the cost of recording the user's footsteps wherever he went.

Boycott Efforts Against Apple Samsung countered Court

Efforts to boycott Apple 23 Samsung products in the U.S. domestic market countered San Jose court . The court rejected the Apple's allegations that Samsung has hijacked their products , but they can not prove it .

18 Million Free Songs on Nokia Lumia 625

Nokia Lumia 625 was officially unveiled to the market of Indonesia in Jakarta on 8 October. Targeting the youth segment , Nokia provides access to a collection of 18 million songs free of charge for users of the Lumia 625 through Nokia Music . In cooperation with 300 record companies at home and abroad , local and international collection of songs that can be enjoyed for streaming , and via the Internet 2G claim enough alone . If the user wants to buy , either through credit card .

Here's How to Overcome Debate

Lie when a marriage no fighting going on in it . Sometimes trivial issues can be a big problem if no one wants both beat each other . So how to win when arguing with your spouse ?

Here's How to Forget Ex Fast In A week


Disconnect from months ago but still remember the former . Hmm .. How we can move on if you keep this up ! Well actually there to forget the former way , let's see !